The Fall of the Dark Empire

But then, stepping aside and doing nothing has always been the personal credo of the PM. I have already said he is a schemer by nature- aligning him with sectarian groups and working to ensure his…

Kaum India jangan salah pilih kerajaan

(Bernama) - PORT DICKSON 12 Mac - Kaum India di negara ini diingatkan agar berhati-hati ketika memilih kerajaan pada pilihan raya umum akan datang agar tidak menyesal di kemudian hari.

Why minimum wage is not a good idea

Kamal Amzan, TMI Instead of setting up minimum wages, why can’t we implement maximum wages? Set a figure, and those who earn more than that should be subjected to public scrutiny, especially if they…

KWSP tingkat pelaburan luar negara

(Berita Harian) - Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja (KWSP) bercadang meningkatkan peruntukan pelaburannya di luar negara kepada 30 peratus dalam tempoh lima tahun akan datang sejajar peningkatan…

‘National debt now 53% of GDP’

Umno is only rewarding the rich and powerful, leaving behind the middle to lower class groups to fend for themselves, claims PKR's Azmin Ali.(Free Malaysia Today) - PKR sees Malaysia going the way of…

SBPA Flip-flop a Blow to Transformation

Suddenly, Najib says, “this decision would be the best solution for the benefit of the entire civil service”. For the civil service, perhaps. But what about for the nation? What happened to his…

Humble PAS and haughty UMNO

In his speech he has without clutter spelt out that “PAS upholds and defends the rights of all Malaysians regardless of their faith and not just Malays”. Now, contrast this with that of UMNO’s “untuk…

Let’s face facts (part 5)

Do you think it was Umno that gained independence for Malaya? That is what Umno would like us to believe, of course. It was not Umno. It was the middle class and those with money (Malays, Chinese and…

Ahli PAS dedah sikap Azizan

"Saya diarahkan oleh PAS untuk membuat kerja-kerja untuk YB Nasharuddin Mat Isa (bekas ahli parlimen) Yan tetapi Azizan tidak setuju," kata Abdullah Hashim. (Free Malaysia Today) - Kumpulan…

GE13: Appraisal time for BN

The rakyat are the bosses of the government of the day and will evaluate its performance when the polls are calledIt is high time we the rakyat show the government who is the boss. Instead of being…