More a ceramah than a debate

Kee Thuan Chye  After all that anticipation and excitement drummed up by the media, the debate between Chua Soi Lek and Lim Guan Eng turned out to be a disappointment.It was less a debate and more…

DAP and the PAS Islamic agenda

It is simply impossible for a true Muslim or an honest Christian to agree to inter-faith “spiritual activities”. For a Muslim or Christian to participate, for example, in an inter-faith “worship”…

EPISODE 10: How to milk a cash cow

Hey, hold on a minute! Isn’t Omar Mustapha Ong one of Khairy’s boys? And are not Najib’s boys plus Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad pissed big time because Najib has given this assignment to someone they…

Verbal combat with their own agenda

Dr Chua has certainly carved a new notch as an MCA president who is not afraid to take on his opponent. He was the real underdog because unlike Lim, he has neither a government post nor did he contest…