RCI: Najib ‘cheats’ PBS, Upko

(FMT) - The much-anticipated announcement on the Federal Cabinet agreement to set up a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on the large presence of illegal foreigners in Sabah and the rampant issuance…

ABU? Betul ke?

Anyway, go attend the ABU launches tonight. Donate generously to show you support ABU. Give a few thousand Ringgit. Then tell those leaders who are going to talk tonight that you want GOOD and CLEAN…

30 years of transforming the Malays

Those of you around my age will remember the Malays of the 1950s and 1960s. The Malays, then, were very different. Those born after the 1970s can go watch an old P. Ramli black-and-white movie to see…

Malaysia’s Latest Proton Saga

(Asia Sentinel) - Questions of insider trading in national car shares remain unanswered a month after sale to a Mahathir crony For nearly three decades, Malaysia’s national car project, Proton, has…

Dividen KWSP dijangka 6 peratus

(Berita Harian) - Kira-kira 8.3 juta pencarum Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja (KWSP) dijangka menikmati kadar dividen lebih tinggi bagi tahun kewangan 2011, mungkin mencecah enam peratus berbanding…