PAS to stick with Pakatan

(The Star) - Despite being at odds with its Pakatan Rakyat partners over certain issues, PAS has no intention of breaking up its partnership with PKR and DAP.

Winds of change may blow hot air

In the struggle against corruption, one should not expect a miracle to happen with the advent of a new government. As such, Malaysians would do well to adopt a critical but balanced approach…

Crime: who has failed?

J. D. Lovrenciear  The Sun daily newspaper reported in its headline news about the startling disclosure of how the police failed in the case of a citizen getting his hand severed by robbers (Hand it…

Does Rosmah deserve the Curtin award?

"I am a Malaysian and I'm incensed by the award. Would any Australian be happy if a foreign university awarded Julia Gillard's partner for creating day-care centres around Australia with…

Asylum must not be denied

(The Star) - The deportation of a Saudi Arabian journalist to his home country, where he faces charges for alleged religious crimes, is turning out to be yet another global PR debacle for Malaysia.…

NUBE takes Maybank dispute to streets

“We received Maybank’s annual report and we discovered that the CEO of Maybank received 24 months’ salary as performance bonus. His salary per month is RM90,000,” Solomon told reporters at the start…

Corruption is the issue, not hudud

It is not hudud but corruption with a capital 'C' that impedes progress, sending the nation backwards.It is not hudud but corruption with a capital “C” that impedes progress. Ten out of 10 non-crony…