Hasan Ali orang suruhan Umno

Apa yang keluar dari mulutnya bukan sahaja fitnah yang bahaya tetapi juga berunsur hasutan bertujuan untuk mengapi- apikan sentimen perkauman.(Free Malaysia Today) - Setiausaha Politik Lim Guan Eng,…

Zaid: Kita was a mistake

The party chief also slams his Kedah and Penang branches for sparking doubt over Kita's support for Pakatan.(Free Malaysia Today) - Kita has only just passed its one year mark but has already been…

Zamil: Zaid should have stepped down

The Kedah chief also hit back at Zaid for implying that he was to be blamed for this decision.(Free Malaysia Today) - Kita Kedah chief, Zamil Ibrahim, is reeling in shock over the news of Kita’s…

When religion becomes evil

It is sometimes trite, but nevertheless sadly true, to say that more wars have been waged, more people killed, and more evil perpetrated in the name of religion.Starting with the cowhead stomping…

Buku Jingga tak sesuai di Kedah

(Utusan) - Datuk Seri Azizan Abdul Razak ternyata tidak gentar dengan kritikan sekutu Pas iaitu Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) dan DAP mengenai tindakan beliau tidak mematuhi apa terkandung dalam Buku…

Race-based parties still needed

(The Star) - There is still a need for ethnic-based parties in Malaysia to safeguard the interests of the respective races, especially minority groups, MCA central committee member Datuk Ti Lian Ker…

A Road That Finally Reaches Ba’kelalan

(Bernama) -- For years, the abandoned and muddy logging track between Long Luping and Ba'Kelalan in Lawas, Sarawak, has been the main access to the outside world, apart from four-times-weekly air…

Malaysia Today’s Annual Report

As follows are the statistics for Malaysia Today from 1st January 2011 to 31st January 2012 compared to the year before that (1st January 2010 to 31st January 2011). By the way,

Sarawak Timber Scandal Hits UK

Sold as cheap plywood - this is how Sarawak's precious remaining hardwood is ending up in UK stores This fast disappearing Sarawak hardwood, which should be worth much more than pine, is being sold…

PR stand on Lynas

By Dr Kua Kia Soong, Director of SUARAM In the light of the statement by Lynas Executive Chairman Nicholas Curtis dismissing Kuantan MP Fuziah Salleh's view as “only one view within what would make…

All awash with phobias

If ever there’s a phobia one can promote, it should be a true loathing of graft in any form, regardless of it being the petty everyday variety or the major million dollar ones Many Muslims who…

Close encounters of the KL kind

FROCKWRITERPublicists would disagree, but any journalist worth their salt will tell you the best stories never come straight off a press release. Occasionally that’s where they start, however. And…

Azizan lashes out at Pas colleagues

They jumped the gun and blamed me, says MB(New Straits Times) - KNOWN for not mincing his words, Kedah Pas commissioner and Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Azizan Abdul Razak yesterday slammed his…

Bangsa Ber-Pancawarna

KTEMOC KONSIDERSIn Australia whenever I met someone new who is a fellow SE Asian, or even from the Far East, and reveal myself as a Malaysian, he/she would invariably exclaim in delightful…