PKR slams Azizan’s move

Opposition unhappy over Kedah MB’s decision to suspend 5 students (New Straits Times) - MENTERI Besar Datuk Seri Azizan Abdul Razak came under fire from a leader of the opposition…

‘Put sex video issue to rest’

Anwar must clear his name, say academics (New Straits Times) - OPPOSITION leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim must engage international forensic experts to prove that he wasn't the man in…

‘Hang Tuah was my forefather’

Mohd Khalid Husin claims he is a descendant of legendary warrior Hang Tuah (New Straits Times) - THE saying "do not anger your ancestors" carries extra weight for Mohd Khalid Husin as one of his…

ABU milik rakyat

che'GuBard Seminggu ini ABU atau Asalkan Bukan Umno telah menjadi perhatian. Bermula dengan insiden serangan bersifat perkauman terhadap Ceramah ABU di Dewan MBSA, Seksyen 30, Kg Jalan Kebun, Shah…

New Quakers in Malaysia

KTEMOC KONSIDERSI am sure you have heard of The Renaissance Man of Asia, wakakaka.But there is a real renaissance developing in DAP, a renaissance of awareness by independent minded Malaysians of all…

Syed Husin Ali saman Utusan, Zulkifli

Dalam pernyataan tuntutan itu, Syed Husin mendakwa Utusan Melayu dan Abdul Aziz telah secara palsu dan dengan niat jahat mencetak dan menerbitkan perkataan fitnah terhadapnya(BERNAMA) - Senator Dr…

DAP no better than BN

George KThere has been a lot of hot air over the so-called declaration of assets by the DAP state government in Penang. Many people have come out to praise DAP secreatr-general Lim Guan Eng, who is…

Altantuya Killers’ Appeal Up Soon

Case reopens doubts about Malaysian justice systemBy Razak Baginda's own cautioned statement to the police, he grew tired of Altantuya and broke up with her after a year-long affair in which he gifted…

Anwar dicabar serah video

(Utusan Malaysia) - Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim dicabar melantik pakar forensik antarabangsa untuk menganalisis rakaman video seks yang didakwa membabitkan Ketua Pembangkang itu seperti didedahkan kepada…

Would Malays vote for an Umno clone?

Why would the Malays give their votes to Pakatan when they know that Pakatan is committed to dismantling Ketuanan Melayu and mirroring Umno? Why would the Malays give their votes to Pakatan when they…

S’gor MB is no threat to Islam

Malay rights group Perkasa can say all it wants about Islam coming 'under siege' in Selangor, but the fact is it's Umno's ruinous actions which threaten Islam.I believe placing Khalid in charge of…

Sara Rakyat 1M, AS1M and national debt?

But the report for this RM5.5billion trust money for Malaysians is very scarce. There is merely a Penyata Pendapatan dan Perbelanjaan and Penyata Pendapatan Komprehensif that is squeezed into 1…

P. Uthayakumar – you are not HINDRAF

Dear Mr P. Uhtayakumar, your criticism on the participation of HINDRAF with ABU may be well founded for your own reasons, but HINDRAF is not only about you, it is about me, and many like me. R.…

Yeoh, Yeoh, Yeoh! Don’t make us puke!

Looking at the forum organisers and its individuals, it is not surprising that such a ridiculous honour has been bestowed on such a leader who only talks but cannot deliver or defend his own…