Nizar gives Zambry the thumbs down

The former Perak menteri besar says that Zambry is facing the next general election with weak support from voters and his own party. (Free Malaysia Today) - When former Perak menteri besar Mohamad…

Better MPs, not ‘Arab Spring’

There is no necessity to follow Tunisia with a the symbolic unveiling of the statute of an unknown fruit seller whose tragedy sparked off ‘Arab Spring’. Nor is there a need to repeat over and over…

Myths, prejudice and history

It is next to impossible to make history objective, but we must give it a damn good shot. History must be based on facts. It must seek to recreate - without any ideological, national, racial or any…

BN to woo 967,000 new voters

(Bernama) - The Kedah Barisan Nasional (BN) will reach out to over 967,000 new voters in the state through the "1Million Voters" programme starting next month, its chairman Datuk Ahmad Bashah Md…

Khazanah sold Proton for no profits?

The 'Che Det Consensus' is an economy built around problem solving that is 'practical' only for the Malaysia's business and Umno political elite. I recall hearing a remark that Khazanah at one time…

Next MB of Kedah

KTEMOC KONSIDERSToday is ‘Thinking-out-of-the-Box’ Day, otherwise known as ‘Big Spoon’* Day.* Big Spoon = sh*t stirring – one needs a big spoon to stir well wakakakaThe ‘spoon’ for today is "Mukhriz…

Freedom works both ways, Faekah

Whatever happened to defending to the death someone’s right to speak even if you disagree with what they’re saying? By all means, if you think it’s slander or libel, sue. At least that’s a legal…

Perkasa’s perverted paranoia

In fact, if I wasn’t the least affected by these developments as a Christian, I’d find them highly amusing, the insecurities & paranoia of some quarters. Here’s the thing... I believe in my god…


Due to the problems we have been facing since 9th January 2012, which has resulted in many readers not being able to sign in (it seems the sign-in box does not appear), we have switched off the…

Who is playing Chinese chess?

MCA uses PAS as a smokescreen to send flying daggers at the direction of DAP Besides making use of PAS as a decoy, Soi Lek also throws in a red herring by saying that Pakatan Rakyat has failed to keep…

Loss of exco post: PAS not sore

Several PAS leaders say they agree with the MB's decision and that Islam is not merely confined to a single exco post. (Free Malaysia Today) - Former PAS strongman Dr Hasan Ali may continue his…

Are we having a popularity contest?

We want to know more than just who is winning the popularity contest. We want to know from both Najib and Anwar what are their strategies to make Malaysia self-sufficient in food production and how…

Hala-tuju PERKASA

Apabila anak-anak tulen Melayu begitu mengharapkan PERKASA tampil ke depan untuk membela nasib, kami memang tak nampak PERKASA melancarkan panah ke arah yang betul. Fariq Islam

Bravo Lim Guan Eng!

Anas Zubedy Firstly, let me congratulate CM Lim Guan Eng and the Penang state government for publicly declaring their assets. It is unfortunate that such a great move was not given more widespread and…

Too much is at stake

ALRIANThere is a growing consensus that we cannot allow things to carry on as they are if we want to prevent the country from plunging into an abyss, writes Anil Netto. 

UMNO fears DAP beachhead

KTEMOC KONSIDERSLim Guan Eng and his Penang government, and not Khalid Ibrahim and the Selangor government, represent the greatest threat to Najib and UMNO, and therefore every attempt must be…