Why I disagree with Anas Zubedy

Anyone who sincerely has the interests and welfare of the rakyat at heart knows full well that until the cancerous UMNO /BN is removed from Putrajaya, we, as a nation, are well on the way to…

Warlords: the power and the myth

Every state has its own warlords and they are very efficient in consolidating their power base.What Najib is doing now is to visit each and every state in Malaysia to see and choose himself the…

TBH vs NFC: The winner is?

Dear Pete,You know this whole incident with the NFC cow scandal will come to nothing. When Teoh Beng Hock was suspected of some money missing (not more than RM5,000), he was remanded and forced into…

ABU unconditionally? Aku Pro Choice!

STEADYAKU47Politics in Malaysia can be summarized in three words : Greed, Wealth and Power! If you insist throw in arrogance and deceit with a little helping of duplicity and last but certainly not…

Free speech goes both ways

Howls of protest are heard when attempts are made to block hate speech, which is ironic because very often the speaker has no interest in respecting anyone else’s rights either. As Article 19 of the…

Ambiga threatens street demo

(The Malay Mail) - Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections (Bersih) co-chairman Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan said the organisation had not ruled out holding a third rally if its eight electoral demands…


KTEMOC KONSIDERSMany people have been concerned with PM Najib’s refusal to answer a question when he was at the Selangor Club recently. Najib went there to give a talk where he made a moving speech…

Azalina admits receiving RM300,000

But the former minister says it was for the sale of her classic car to a businessman and was not bribery.(Free Malaysia Today) - Former Cabinet minister Azalina Othman Said today admitted to receiving…

Why I disagree with ABU

Anas Zubedy With all due respect to those who are promoting ABU (Anything But UMNO/ Asalkan Bukan UMNO) especially Haris Ibrahim, someone who I have high regard of; a genuine change agent– I do not…

KL should get over the ‘S’ word

Sending Mr Anwar to jail on a stale sodomy charge would certainly have caused damage to the BN. But what of the opposition? Would it survive another period of incarceration of its leader? To put it in…


SABAHKINIDI PERINGKAT dalaman kepimpinan tertinggi Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), tidaklah menjadi satu rahsia lagi akan kewujudan dua kelompok pimpinan yang masing-masing cenderung kepada Presiden,…