Chief Sitting Bull and UMNO

A horrible realization is setting in upon me. Are we on the eve of destruction? STEADYAKU47 "Hear me, people: We have now to deal with another race – small and feeble when our fathers first met them,…

‘PR policies lack boldness’

Analysts say opposition’s convention did not show comprehensive policies Asrul Hadi Abdullah Sani, The Malay Mail  Pakatan rakyat (PR) has fallen short in providing a viable alternative to the…

Judges under assets scrutiny

Judiciary to work with Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission in declaration of wealth (The Malay Mail) - Judges may have to declare their assets soon to ensure greater transparency and integrity…

‘Please don’t join Umno’

PAS leaders hope expelled Hasan Ali uses other platforms to fight for Islam  (The Malay Mail) - While most of his comrades respect his decision not to appeal against his sacking by PAS, they…

Business as usual for NFC

The National Feedlot Corporation says there is no interruption or disruption despite the freeze on its assets.(Free Malaysia Today) - Despite having its assets frozen amid a probe by the police and…

All sound and fury but no substance

The Pakatan convention made all the right noises but it appears that the alliance is not yet prepared for the coming general election. (Free Malaysia Today) - The third Pakatan Rakyat convention which…

Hasan Ali says will not appeal sacking

(The Malaysian Insider) - Former Selangor PAS commissioner Datuk Dr Hasan Ali has confirmed that he will not appeal his sacking by the party leadership, saying there was no reason for him to remain in…

Najib + Anwar versus Dr M?

KTEMOC KONSIDERSYou know, many people have not been satisfied with the judge's ruling on Anwar Ibrahim's sodomy trial, even though it had worked out in favour of Anwar ........ so it then seemed.

A tiger may change its stripes

Things came to a head when Anwar was told to ready a 2 billion ringgit (1 Malaysian ringgit = $0.31903) bailout for Mahathir’s son’s sinking shipping line. “I didn’t say no. I said it had to go…

A page from Malaysia

The curious case of Anwar Ibrahim gives the Filipinos, fellow Malays, hope as well—hope that this will serve as a concrete evidence that despite a checkered past and political pressure brought upon it…

Anwar Ibrahim: After the Trial

As the Malaysian opposition leader gets acquitted of sodomy, will his coalition mount its strongest political challenge? 101 EAST Anwar Ibrahim, the Malaysian opposition leader, has been unexpectedly…

Anwar Ibrahim the game-changer

The outcome of his trial "vindicates Anwar and significantly removes doubts about his personal conduct, which had been a concern especially among conservative Muslim voters," said Ibrahim Suffian,…

Fallen star has not lost his shine

Datuk Dr Hasan Ali’s sacking from PAS has sent shock waves through the party. His supporters say PAS is bowing to pressure from their Pakatan Rakyat partners.The fallen star in PAS has come full…

Shifting opinion post-verdict

SOON after he was acquitted and discharged of his sodomy charge, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim told the French news agency AFP that his surprise acquittal was linked to government fears that a guilty…

The guessing game continues

Forget a March general election. It’s highly unlikely now The High Court decision to acquit Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim of the sodomy charge, with the judge citing lack of corroborative…

Pakatan now riding the Anwar factor

The Pakatan Rakyat convention was about riding on the momentum of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's court acquittal but the man is now under pressure to get his act together and show he has what it takes to…

NFC assets frozen

PROBE CONTINUES: DPM, Noh tasked with charting corporation’s future direction(New Straits Times) - THE assets of the National Feedlot Corporation (NFC), which is being investigated by the Malaysian…

Oldies turn MCKK ‘boys’ again

IT was the first day of the new year, and 15 anxious members of the Class of 1966, a few with their families, arrived in time for lunch in Kuala Kangsar, Perak for a memorable event.…

Anwar with conditions aforethought!

STEADYAKU47And so Anwar is acquitted of Sodomy! Is he free now? Free from what? Free until an appeal from Saiful is heard by the court? Free from any further prosecution for sodomy again? Surely not?…

Anwar cabar Najib berdebat

(Harakah Daily) - Ketua Pembangkang, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim hari ini mencabar Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak supaya berdebat secara terbuka dengannya tentang dasar negara.