What’s the value in Proton?

Those who want to take over Proton must make it competitive, otherwise Malaysian car buyers will see their agony prolonged.So, what is it that suitors are hoping to get by buying government…

The party’s over

The people must not forget that the country still has to be saved and there is much work to do.If people are still celebrating the acquittal, let us not forget that the country still has to be saved…

Anwar deprived of martyrdom

The last time I checked, consensual or otherwise, sodomy is not accepted by all religions and faiths. Perhaps the Bar Council is suggesting to rid the Penal Code of such "archaic provision". We would…

Enough is enough, says Anwar

The opposition leader calls on the government to stop the personal attacks against him and his family and focus on policy debates.(Free Malaysia Today) - Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim called on the…

Orang Melayu marah video rasuah Namewee?

Helen AngMencekup daripada blogger yang ‘favourited’ di menu bar saya — Din Turtle. Posting Pak Din semalam bertajuk ‘Tolong cikgu Sivik ajar budak kurang ajar ni‘. Blogger ore Ganu kito berpendapat…

Schooled in Illiteracy

It suggests that the education system is not as successful as it should be at imparting the most basic skills to schoolchildren: read, write and count. Not belief in god, not multiculturalism, not…

The end of Sodomy 2.0

(The Economist) - Although Mr Anwar remains a charismatic figure and a forceful speaker, his reputation has been tarnished. That won’t matter to his acolytes, but at 64 he also seems a distant and…

Islamic Nations

That is the problem with the Islamic countries. They are thought to obey Allah and safe their brothers and sisters from threat. Infidels die to save the religion values. Somehow, they cannot advice…

Pakatan should reveal Orange policies

Pakatan should address the concerns of most Malaysians on daily issues affecting them.(Free Malaysia Today) - This Saturday’s Pakatan Rakyat national convention should be a showcase to unveil the…