
To most Muslims, Hasan Ali is doing the right thing. Heck, even the Sultan of Selangor backs him. And can the Sultan not back him when the Sultan is supposed to be head of religion? The Sultan will…

So near, yet so far

Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s track record since his 2008 political comeback has been marked by missed opportunities. He is once again at a critical crossroads while his Pakatan Rakyat coalition…

IGP: Follow the conditions

Don’t take advantage of cops’ willingness to allow people to gather THE police yesterday cautioned rally organisers to adhere to the 10 conditions that have been discussed and agreed…

901′s many faces

Monday's peaceful assembly at the Duta Courts will see a motley of group of people some of whom will use the avenue to voice out against the many issues plaguing the nation. The ever shrewd politician…

PKR rejects conditions for rally

(New Straits Times) - Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) has rejected the 10 conditions set by the police for Monday’s rally in support of its de facto leader Datuk Sri Anwar Ibrahim on grounds that it was…

The Anwar Verdict

A chance for Obama to speak up for the rule of law in a Muslim ally.(Wall Street Journal) - We have a stake not just in the stability of nations, but in the self-determination of individuals." That…

Selcat should probe RPK’s claims

Selangor MCA has reminded the state Pakatan Rakyat government of its 2008 pledge to rid the system of corruption and to promote instead merit based policies.(Free Malaysia Today) - MCA has called for…

Time for truth about Proton be known

The government’s stake in Proton is again up for sale but will there be a suitable suitor? Their myopic opposition has seen several billion ringgit from Petronas, where Mahathir is also advisor,…

Profile: Anwar Ibrahim

(BBC) - Anwar Ibrahim is well aware of the perils and pitfalls of Malaysian political life. Once the deputy prime minister and tipped for the country's highest office, he fell out with top leaders and…

That three-initialled royal

The Malaysian public has yet to declare that being gay is acceptable, never mind about a gay prime minister. Anyone who believes otherwise should take a look at the Merdeka Center polls asking…


Yes, in their eagerness to prove me wrong (that the building cost RM30 million and not RM60 million), they raised other and more important issues -- not telling us where the money came from, not…

RPK the Benedict Arnold? Think Again.

THE NOCTURNAL MIND Having met RPK fleetingly on a few occasions, I cannot claim to know him personally. I probably know his wife better if only for the couple of conversations I shared with her about…

Will Pakatan PAS(s) the test?

There is no one in Anwar's party PKR who is capable of helming Pakatan at a time like this. While ABU is the true rallying cry for the rakyat who needs to dump Umno into oblivion, the rakyat will…

Another twist in Anwar’s life

The Sodomy II verdict is around the corner and the PKR leader is pushing for a show of support with his party’s call for a mass rally on Monday.After that an eager and impatient Anwar, instead of…