Selangor Land Grab by BN

 Despite all attempts at “transforming” UMNO and Barisan Nasional to be “people first”, and all the rhetoric on accountability and integrity under the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak’s…

Do Your Job Right, PTPTN

 Kee Thuan Chye   It’s unbelievable how lackadaisical the National Higher Education Fund Corporation (PTPTN) is in collecting loan payments. These, after all, constitute the rakyat’s money, and it is…

Nation-building or undermining?

Najib: Empty talk about ‘transformation’ In an open letter to the Prime Minister, P Ramakrishnan takes to task Najib’s cakap-tak-serupa-bikin rhetoric.

Treat every victim equally

 Do we only care when Muslims are attacked and not when people of other faiths face the same oppression? We should all, regardless of religion, protest at every act of aggression towards anyone…

There is change and there is change

  By the way, I attended one Umno gathering in PJ back in 2008 and one Umno member stood up to propose that Umno makes peace with Anwar Ibrahim. Almost the entire hall booed him. The 'security…

MCA on slippery slope in KL

Hope is about all it has left in trying to better its 2008 performance. There are 11 parliament seats in Kuala Lumpur, and BN traditionally lets MCA contest for five of them, namely Wangsa Maju,…

Too big for its britches

 In observing the mood of the PAS delegates at the recent general assembly, one can't help but feel that if PAS were to do well in the polls, it would indeed demand for Hadi Awang to become the prime…

It is not really ABU after all

As much as the Abu-screamers and Pakatan Fan Club (PFC) members say that all they want is to see change after 55 years of an Umno-led government, this is not really true. It is not just about change…

I challenge Hisham to a debate

FMT LETTER: From Gobind Singh Deo, via e-mail I challenge Home Minister Hishamuddin Hussein to a debate over what more could be done to make police stations safer for members of the public so as to…