Sending mixed signals

  In Islam you cannot separate the church from the state like they do in Christianity. Islam is closer to Judaism than to Christianity. The Jews consider themselves a race and they aspired to…

Jeffrey’s STAR blows hot and cold

Leaders of local opposition, STAR, who recently returned from the party's recent SWOT analysis meeting are pessimistic about the party's direction. STAR has a few Muslim leaders within its fold but…

‘Pas wrong to support DAP’s views’

 (NST) - MUSLIMS  in the country are aware that Pas' struggle is no longer about upholding the religion, after it decided to collaborate with DAP.This was the opinion of Gerakan Anti-Penyelewengan…

Who raped and plundered Templer’s Park?

 A file picture showing the 80m stretch of a hillslope at Taman Sierra which collapsed in 2009 causing a massive landslide along the old trunk road near Templer’s Park.Because meetings where the…

The Ignorant Muslims In Ruins

OUTSYED THE BOX I received the following comment from a reader in my last post 'Pyramids to be destroyed'. Anonymous said...Syed,   I fully supported salafi if they want to destroy Pyramid. Rezeki…

A monkey like Fernandez

ROCKY'S BRU “... let’s see who the candidates are. If they are going to nominate some monkeys, we will reject.” - Derek Fernandez, MBPJ councillor, on the next Mayor of Petaling Jaya

Sparks to fly at PAS muktamar

(The Star) - Sparks are expected to fly at the 58th PAS muktamar from tomorrow if hardliners, unhappy with several developments within the party, go on a no-holds-barred spree to highlight the…

PAS walking a narrow path

The party is caught between a rock and a hard place and at a crucial time with the muktamar only days away.PAS' original source of strength had been its diehard promotion of Islamic causes, which…

Makkal Sakti!

Nicole Tan Lee Koon I would like to comment on Aspan Alias latest article Kalau terasa akan kalah, biarkan sahaja Parlimen terbubar dengan sendirinya (READ HERE). In his article, he commented on how…

Malays should wisen up

After being ruled by Barisan Nasional for 55 years, the Malays must now realise that they do have a choice not to continue to live in poverty, says PKR veep Chua Jui Meng.  Malaysians, including…

PAS semakin hilang taring?

Namun persoalan utama di sini, apakah PAS menjadi parti dominan dalam Pakatan Rakyat? Jamilah Kamarudin, FMT Presiden PAS Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang bulan lalu mengeluarkan kenyataan mengenai…