PAS to re-visit Malay ground

During the muktamar which starts on Friday in Kelantan, PAS leadership will likely seek to quash perceptions that the party had become subservient to the liberals in PKR and DAP. For the first time,…

Stop manipulating religious text: PUM

(Bernama) - The Ulama Association of Malaysia (PUM) has urged Sisters In Islam (SIS) and secularist groups to stop manipulating religious texts to suit their secular perspective, including the issue…

Keeping the faith

Yes, religionists need miracles. They need a sign from God. And these miracles and signs help strengthen our faith. And faith is what religion is all about. We see signs and miracles everywhere. We…

Why apostasy is good for Islam

I suppose one way to solve the serious AIDS and drug problem amongst the Malays-Muslims would be to allow them to leave Islam. Once all these people have left Islam then the high incidence of AIDS…

Do you feel like kicking yourself?

  So now Malaysians moan, groan, whine, bitch, complain and grumble about the 55 years of Umno rule and the 22 years of mismanagement and autocracy by Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. But Malaysians…

Oh My Malaysia Truly

 The PM and DPM wished all Indians a very Happy Deepavali. Get your facts correct please. Malaysian not Asian okay! 

Clear and present danger?

We should also band together, certainly at the next general elections, based on a common desire to respect each other and to live together peacefully in this place we call our home, writes Zaharom…

Sabah’s oil curse strikes again

Poverty-riddled Sabah is the sixth biggest contributor to the national economy, contributing more than a quarter of the total oil and gas produced in the country.  Queville To, FMT Sabah lost…

10 reasons for Indians to drop BN

Here are 10 reasons why the Indian community should not vote for Barisan Nasional in the next general election, according to Kota Alam Shah state rep M Manoharan.  By M Manoharan, FMT Umno’s ‘Malay…

Daughters & Fathers

KTEMOC KONSIDERS Aiyah, you guys have been hopelessly unable to read into my (admittedly) cryptic short posts. Okay lah I give up, and am am back to a tng k'ooi (chong hei) long winded one,…