Log tale

 (The Economist) - A new investigation accuses HSBC of ignoring its own sustainability policiesGlobal Witness, a campaigning group, has analysed the publicly available financial records of seven of…

Why the need for political reforms

So, let me spell it out to you clearly, yet again. Malaysia needs political reforms. Of course we also need electoral reforms. We also need good governance, transparency, an end to abuse of power and…

The fart-ology of it all

So today we see Nurul Izzah caught offside by her very innocent naive statement about freedom to follow a religion, undoubtedly addressed more to non-Muslims more than anyone. But…

Ants in the pants?

Has BN has run out of ideas to attack Pakatan and is therefore grasping at straws and building ideas based on fantasy?  Selena Tay, FMT The Barisan Nasional leaders are acting like ants in the pants…

Where is the oil fund?

How many more financial scandals that have emptied our national coffers can Malaysia afford? By Chua Jui Meng, FMT The RM250 million Cowgate fracas has hardly settled and now we have the RM40 million…

Ahmad is not “Safe”

 My views herein are based on my personal experiences and knowledge during my time as the lawyer for the current Sultan of Johor. I verily believe that the Johor Palace has a big say in Ahmad’s arrest…

Why I am suitable for Pekan

 Hadi will face a tough time in Pekan, and I wonder why he should be put there at such risk. He is PAS President and for the sake of its own long-term viability, PAS cannot afford to have a President…

Sultan regrets Nurul’s remarks

 (The Star) -  The Sultan of Selangor has expressed regret and surprise at a statement by PKR vice-president Nurul Izzah Anwar that Malay Muslims are free to choose their faith under the religious…

Why so kaypoh one?

I have not heard one comment from any of these people who appear outraged with what they imagine Nurul Izzah had said. Ibrahim Ali of Perkasa too has whacked Nurul Izzah. So have some co-called…

And whose fault is this?

  So, no, whatever is happening in the country is not Umno’s fault. It is not the fault of the Malays or the Muslims either. It is the fault of the non-Malays and the non-Muslims from West…

Nurul Izzah mahu saman

 (Sinar Harian) - Naib Presiden PKR, Nurul Izzah Anwar mahu mengambil tindakan perundangan ekoran laporan media beliau mengeluarkan kenyataan rakyat tidak harus dipaksa mengamalkan ajaran tertentu…

Kase dedah bukti baru

 (Sinar Harian) - “Salah satu saman yang diterima adalah di Kilometer 6.6 SKVE, menunjukkan pemandu terbabit melakukan kesalahan Seksyen 79 (2) Akta Pengangkutan Jalan 1987, atas kesalahan gagal…