MCA: Reveal their location

(The Star) - Selangor MCA has demanded for details on an Opposition MP's claim that the Opposition-led state government had built 23,637 affordable houses for the rakyat.

The last lap

Three factors will, however, clinch the elections for Pakatan. One is the voters’ current restless mood. They are tired of the wait – never has the people of this country waited for so long, and…

Politicians ARE servants of people

Politicians who refuse to digest the truth that their bona fide political masters are the rakyat have no business calling themselves as 'wakil rakyat'. The bitter truth is that politicians like…

Muhyiddin’s boys target Nov 30

According to Muhyiddin Yassin's camp, campaigning in December will give BN a strategic advantage, given that the middle-class and Christians will be distracted. Toffee Rodrigo, FMTUmno deputy…

Surat Ringkas Buat Chua Soi Lek

Syafiq Kamil, Penerangan Ma’ruf ClubHari ini bicara Hudud kembali hangat semula di media dengan kenyataan kurang beradab seorang makhluk Allah bernama Chua Soi Lek.Kepada Encik Chua Soi Lek, kami…

Object hudud, not insult Islam

Datuk Chua Jui Meng, PKR vice-presidentNO MALAYSIAN has the right to insult any religion. And MCA, in its amok frenzy to garner Chinese support for the next general election, is doing just that…

We didn’t start the fire

  Be careful what you wish for. The Malays get angry very easily. The Malays suffer from what we call the Amok Syndrome. But just because the Malays are emotional this does not mean they are…

The Firefighter’s Plight

Nicole Tan Lee Koon, Secretary of Seremban branch, DAP Negeri Sembilan. I want to share the firefighter's plight with you. Let's say an arsonist started a fire. The firefighter then comes and tries…

‘CAT’ culprit identified

A report prepared by the state PKR leadership, according to sources, points the finger at a young newcomer. The report alo suggests the possible masterminds behind the leak.  Athi Shankar, FMT…

Make Malay agenda ‘top priority’

A resolution at the Malay Economic Congress also said the government had failed to implement the NEP equitably.  Syed Jaymal Zahiid, FMT The Malay Economic Congress demanded that the “Malay agenda” be…

Dr Mahathir’s masterstroke

  Then Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad stirred the pot to see what surfaces from the bottom of the pot. And this shows that Dr Mahathir is savvier than the PAS politicians. Dr Mahathir said that PAS…

Dr Asri khuatir PAS tadbir negara

(Malaysian Digest) - Walaupun memegang status parti yang berjuang atas dasar Islam, ulama tersohor negara, Prof Madya Datuk Dr Asri Zainul Abidin semalam menyuarakan kerisauan sekiranya PAS…

Much ado about hudud

Once again, hudud is becoming a hotly debated topic. But what is hudud exactly and are we ready for it? But let’s make this clear: contrary to belief made popular by MCA and other uninformed members…