Teng slams ex-DAP men

(The Star) - Selangor Speaker Datuk Teng Chang Khim has hit out at four DAP former members for demonstrating near the state assembly building, saying their action insulted the House.

The Christian smokescreen

Whenever Umno bashes the Christians, you can be sure they have got some dirt to hide. The answer is simple: Umno uses the Christians to quell dissatisfaction in the masses, principally the Malays.…

SWP hit by ‘financial’ setbacks?

Sarawak Workers Party which trumpeted its plans to contest in six constituencies held by rival Parti Rakyat Sarawak may end the polls with a whimper. Joseph Tawie, FMT KUCHING: Has the five-month…

GE 13: It’s Elvis against Napoleon

But can voters freely choose between the rocker and the conqueror? Stanley Koh, FMT It now looks likely that the prolonged wait for the 13th general election will stretch into next year. Then again,…

MCA, DAP to face off in hudud debate

The Mandarin debate will be held in Wisma Teng Chin,Klang, at 8pm tonight.  Leven Woon, FMT In a rare move, leaders from both sides of the political divide will square off in a public debate tonight…

Why change will never come

Okay, let us say that DAP does plan to turn Malaysia into a Christian State. So what? What is wrong with that? PAS wants to turn Malaysia into an Islamic State. Do we make a police report against…

Rise in child marriages worrying

(The Star) - The department received 75 marriage applications from underaged individuals in 2008, 99 in 2009 and 101 in 2010. Of the total, 90% involved girls under 16.

Prove me wrong, Teresa

FMT LETTER: From Tan Tuan Tat, via e-mail I refer to the FMT article, ‘Ex-DAP man’s criticism has Kok fuming’. Teresa Kok has messed up the Selangor administration due to her ineptitude and…

ESQUIRE: Raja Petra Kamarudin

In our October Rule-Breaking Issue, we talk to a man who is no stranger to pushing the boundaries. Ever since he started his controversial website Malaysia Today, blogger and activist Raja Petra…