PKR’s grand strategy?

KTEMOC KONSIDERSThe Malaysian Insider - Azmin: Khalid to get minister’s job if Pakatan takes PutrajayaBlue-eyed Boy is making his move, or at least indicating his grand strategy - c'mon, I wanna…

97 cows for me and 3 cows for you

Hence trade and commerce is very crucial to Islam. And the distribution of wealth (zakat) is one of the tenets of Islam alongside praying, fasting and performing the pilgrimage (Haj). And in Islam…

PKR MP promoting MIC leader?

BN leader accuses incumbent S Manickavasagam of promoting MIC CWC memebr A Sakthivel for the Kapar seat.  G Vinod, FMT PKR’s Kapar MP S Manickavasagam is working in cahoots with MIC central working…

Pakatan to hold demo on poll reforms

Its top leadership said the decision was made following the government's failure to meet growing calls for electoral reforms. Syed Jaymal Zahiid, FMT Pakatan Rakyat today announced its plan to hold a…

No quick fix for East Malaysia

Erna Mahyuni, The Malaysian Insider “All you East Malaysians need to do is vote out BN!” I hear that time and time again from various people in Peninsular Malaysia and it’s getting frankly…

CAT got your tongue, Mansor?

The deputy chief minister (I) should clear the air if he thinks he has been framed over the 'cocky, arrogant, tokong' controversy. Five months ago, PKR state chief and Deputy Chief Minister I Mansor…

Polls in December?

This is because Najib's trump card is the budget goodies and if the polls are held this year, the voters will be tempted to vote for BN in order to obtain the goodies next year. Selena Tay, FMT Now…

Malaysia tak perlu pergerakan hak wanita

Trend penurunan ini konsisten sejak 2010. Pada tahun 2010, Kementerian diberi peruntukan sebanyak RM2.4 bilion, kemudian pada tahun 2011, ia jatuh ke RM2 bilion, kemudian jatuh lagi pada tahun…

Worker of 1Malaysia

So a call centre employee from Philipines is more in favour than say a brain surgeon from UK where they get to bypass all Malaysian immigration and labour regulations. Disgrunted Malaysian…