Quick glance BN budget vs PR budget

Lee Wee Tak It has been number crunching nerd's dream week as both Barisan Nasional administration and Pakatan Rakyat shadow administration unveiled their respective budget within a day between…

Why the US prefers Najib to Pakatan

  Is the United States really supportive of democracy and fundamental rights or does America’s interests come first? In this 12th May 2008 secret communiqué between the United States Embassy in…

Budget aims to spur growth, win votes

The prime minister is expected to expand stimulus measures in his last budge before the 13th general election. (AFP) - Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak is expected to unveil a fresh round of handouts…

GE13 will be referendum on CMs

Whether these chief ministers will succeed in their re-election bid will depend on how they can overcome issues at the constituency level. Selvaraja Somiah, FMT If Umno-Barisan Nasional fares poorly…

The way to go with Budget 2013

Three Pakatan Rakyat's leaders share their vision on how Budget 2013 should address long-term issues plaguing the economy and rakyat. Teoh El Sen, FMT Even before Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak…

Malaysia and the Muslim Spring

A ruling party is not legitimate if the electoral process is flawed, "national interest" and "realpolitik" are not a legitimate excuse for corruption and police brutality.  Azeem Ibrahim…

Attacks on Malaysiakini, here we go again

Premesh Chandran, MalaysiakiniThe attacks against Malaysiakini signal that the government is getting desperate. For the past week, the mainstream media - TV3, Utusan Malaysia, New Straits Times and…

Where did the money go?

(The Star) - While they are doing a fine job listing out the need for more money and to improve the social amenities, sadly none of them have touched on the need for the Government…

Syabas vs. Selangor

{youtube}_5h_EMcBvtU{/youtube} Isu air Selangor sebenarnya mudah untuk difahami dan diselesaikan jika semua pihak sedar dan faham apa sebenarnya yang diperjudikan disini sekiranya konsesi Syabas…

Zeti must now explain forex scandal

PKR Youth submits four-point memorandum to Bank Negara governor demanding answers. Syed Jaymal Zahiid, FMT PKR Youth wing wants Bank Negara Malaysia Governor Zeti Akhtar Aziz to divulge details and…

Confused over right to choose

We have a far from perfect democracy but then there are no perfect ones anywhere.People’s right to voice critical opinions is suddenly seen as traitorous. The possibility of alternative…

Nazri: No probe into ‘copgate’

Home Minister rejected the setting up of an inquiry due to 'lack of evidence', says Minister in PM's Department. Anisah Shukry, FMT The government has not initiated any investigation against former…

Mansor must penalise culprit

The leakage of the audio recording involving Mansor Othman is seen as an internal sabotage of PKR's interest in Penang.  Hawkeye, FMT GEORGE TOWN: Penang PKR liaison chairman Mansor Othman should act…

Soros man on Mkini board

(The Star) - The George Soros-linked Media Development Loan Fund (MDLF) chief executive officer Harlan M. Mandel is one of three directors of Mkini Dotcom that runs Malaysiakini while several…