Reveal palm oil AP holders, says PKR

PKR claims that at least half of the AP holders are not genuine palm oil players and the government is losing about RM4 billion in tax revenue due to the APs.  G Vinod, FMT Reveal the names of…

Stop spamming my phone, Raja Nong Chik!

Zan Azlee (The Malaysian Insider) If there is one thing that I hate to death, it is spam. Getting spam email is one of the most annoying things ever. Even more annoying are spam SMSes... you know,…

Govt endorses guide on how to spot gays

(Free Malaysia Today) - A government-endorsed parenting guide that describes symptoms of homosexuality has kicked up a storm on the Internet, with human rights and sexuality activists expressing…

Baffled Mukhriz rejects debate dare

How is a Pakatan-led government going to handle car prices by auctioning Approved Permits, the deputy minister asks. Patrick Lee, FMT PKR’s plan to reduce car prices, as far as the Ministry of…

To hell and back

The perpetrator who sent Deputy Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Minister Datuk Chua Tee Yong the ‘hell’ notes is finally arrested and is put on trial. This is the second day of the hearing and…

Kembalikan Sabah kepada rakyat Sabah

Kuala Lumpur telah mengatakan bahawa rakyat Sabah tidak boleh mentadbir negeri dengan berkesan, kata Joseph Lakai.  Joseph Bingkasan, FMT KOTA KINABALU: Autonomi yang diperjuangkan oleh Parti Maju…

Bendera PKR kena bakar

(Sinar Harian) - LABU: PKR Labu tidak menyangka tiga bendera parti yang digantung sejak sebulan lalu turut menjadi mangsa dibakar individu tidak bertanggungjawab walaupun ia berada di kawasan…

Money laundering through casinos

A special task force has uncovered a new method of money laundering, and is working with casino operators to nail the culprits. S Rutra, FMT A special task force on money-laundering and tax-dodgers…

NFCorp: Rafizi is lying again

Company rebuffs PKR strategy director's allegations that it could be guilty of money laundering.  Teoh El Sen, FMT “Rafizi Ramli is a liar,” said the National Feedlot Corporation Sdn Bhd (NFCorp)…

Hopping frogs

When political frogs hop into the BN, we criticise the BN, but when they hop into the Pakatan Rakyat, we clap to praise them? If so, aren't we just as wicked as the frogs then?  Chen Shau An, Sin…