Chua Jr gets hell notes too

After his father, MCA president Dr Chua Soi Lek was sent one last week, deputy minister and Labis MP Chua Tee Yong receives a 'hell note' threat as well.  Teoh El Sen, FMT Chua Tee Yong yesterday…

It’s only symbolic

We tend to get too uptight too easily. We should relax a bit and not take life too seriously. It is good that people resort to symbolism rather than carry guns and bombs. I mean, burning Qur’ans,…

PAS steers clear of row with Karpal

(The Star) - PAS leaders have refused to enter into a fresh round of bickering with veteran DAP leader Karpal Singh, who has joined in the chorus of criticism against gender segregation at the…

Reverse defections hurting BN

Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak's administration has made incredible efforts to change undemocratic laws but is that enough to swing votes in BN's favour? Amir Ali, FMT In Malaysian politics, there…

Wrong conviction?

Lim Mun Fah, Sin Chew Daily 27 years ago, on this side of the Johor Causeway, a bunch of MCA members shouted boisterous slogans, urging the Malaysian government to sever water supply to Singapore.…

Victory of sorts for Nasharudin

PAS politician Nasharudin Mat Isa has been given a reprieve by the party’s most powerful body – the Syura Council – in what many see as the ulama exerting their clout over the liberals who want him…

A Dear Leader in our midst

The last thing we want to see is a personality cult built around the prime minister.The police are making out a case against all those who dared defile the “sacred” photograph, but the end result…

Too many perpetrators going unpunished

The AG knows only too well that the “aberration” of justice has been “alive and kicking” since 1994 when the top politician escaped punishment for statutory rape and again in 2008 when another…

Koon Swan case ‘a mistake’

(The Star) - Former Singapore prosecutor Glenn Knight has apologised to ex-MCA president Tan Koon Swan for wrongly prosecuting him in the Pan-El crisis in the mid-1980s.