Pakatan to win with 118 seats?

The EC is BN's last bastion to cling to power and the only way to curb its shenanigans is for the rakyat to come out in droves to monitor vote tallying  Selena Tay, FMT A neutral Chinese…

DAP and its multiracial dilemma

Party's chants about Malaysian Malaysia rings hollow when its members elect only Chinese leaders to top posts. Leven Woon, FMT The DAP has always aspired to be a multiracial party, with its members…

May 13, Kg Medan – Never again!

Even though biologically, there is no such basis for a category known as “race”, the social construction of race is ever present in this country. By Kua Kia Soong, FMT The launch of “Violence…

Bar Council: Give us more evidence

Bar Council president Lim Chee Wee has urged anyone with more facts and proof to come forward in regard to the 'Tan Sri lawyer' and son who have been accused of helping draft the SD2.  Teoh El Sen,…

Kapar MP’s aide murdered

Police say C Nachimuthu, 53, was involved in a quarrel with the man who killed him but a motive has yet to be established Teoh El Sen and K Pragalath, FMTAn aide to Kapar MP S Manikavasagam was…

No tussle in Sungai Siput, says PSM

But the clenched fist logo stays, says secretary general Arutchelvan  K Pragalath, FMT Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) has denied that it is tussling with PKR over the Sungai Siput parliament seat.

Bumburing and Jeffrey in face-off

 (Free Malaysia Today) - STAR is being accused of splitting the Kadazan, Dusun, Murul (KDM) communities' votes in Sabah and handing BN a measure of confidence that it can prolong its hold.

Must DAP be truly multiracial?

 And as why the Malay hopefuls lost, the party insider had this to say: ”Either the majority Chinese in DAP have yet to warm up to the idea of having more Malays in the party or the Malays are lacking…

Malaysian Psephology: Lembah Pantai

 (The Sun Daily) - The Lembah Pantai electorate has apparently increased to around 71,000 voters, compared with 56,650 in 2008. This would translate to a 25% increase in registered voters in the four…

Pergerakan Penyatuan

Muhammad Shahid bin Shahizam, 16 years oldSudah 55 tahun Malaysia mencapai sebuah kemerdekaan, membawa rakyatnya ke arah kemajuan dan kemakmuran tanpa mengira pegangan agama dan bangsa. Selama 50…