Dinesh Could Have Been My Son

First, they pull wool over our eyes where crime statistics are concerned. When we got around it, they then, decide to “reduce” these statistics by puffing out those whom they suspect. Is that the…

The Sultans’ Daulat is a Myth

Even though it has deep roots in Malay society, this daulat thing is a myth. The Japanese, despite their own “Sun Goddess” tradition, had no difficulty disabusing Malay rajas and their subjects of…

‘Suspend all who attended meeting’

The recent leak of a closed-door meeting involving Penang DCM Mansor Othman was a 'clear act of sabotage', claims PKR.  Athi Shankar, FMT GEORGE TOWN: PKR’s top brass must immediately suspend those…

Police disallow Janji Democracy

It will violate Peaceful Assembly Act, says top Dan Wangi cop.  Teoh El Sen, FMT Police today declared as illegal the Bersih-linked Promise of Democracy (Janji Democracy) gathering to be held at…

Rosli Dahlan triumphs again!

Rosli Dahlan triumphs  again as Bank Negara loses Appeal by Din Merican I was deeply troubled when I read the news reports that in Karpal Singh’s trial for uttering seditious words against HRH Sultan…

Why I joined the DAP

Ong Kian Ming, The Malaysian InsiderBefore joining the DAP, I have never been a member of any other political party despite having worked for two think-tanks that were linked to the MCA and…

Guan Eng denies DAP at war with PAS

The DAP secretary-general was responding to the public spat between his party chairman Karpal Singh and PAS heavyweight Nasharuddin Mat Isa over hudud. Syed Jaymal Zahiid, FMT DAP secretary-general…

Why re-negotiate oil deal in private?

Why is Chief Minister Taib Mahmud, who has been silent about the 5% oil royalty for the past 30 years, keen to look at the issue again? Joseph Tawie, FMT KUCHING: Sarawak opposition has questioned…

Do ghosts and spirits exist?

Is there any truth in the Chinese folklore that during the Zhong Yuan festival the gates of hell are opened allowing all wandering and suffering spirits to enter the earthy realm?  Stanley Koh, FMT…

The debt driven 5.4% GDP growth in Q2 2012

In fact, the GDP numbers hide the ever increasing debts – national debts which have to be paid by tax payers, housing and personal loans which also have to be paid by tax payers. This is no more than…

We Need You on 308

Hawkeye   My Fellow Malaysians, the journey towards regaining our rights, our freedom and our nation has been a long road of struggle but we are almost there, this is the time when we need to…

I believe, hence I am right

Not even a priest or an imam will ‘serve God’ if they are not being paid a salary. It’s all about money, even those who claim to be serving God. So get off your high horse and stop all this…

Leaked minutes see fallout in PKR

(NST) - A STORM is brewing in Parti Keadilan Rakyat, with Machang Bubuk assemblyman Datuk Tan Hock Leong demanding answers from the party leadership over leaked information that he would be dropped…

Crying wolf again?

Low-income earners have been suffocated by car loans. The Insolvency Department recorded 116,379 bankruptcy cases in the country between 2005 and April 2012. Some 25 per cent of them were due to…