13,215 days ago

Imagine a state government possessing the half billion Ringgit to develop the state or to give it to its people. Now imagine the same state government in possession of four times that amount. So,…

When bread is all about dirty politics

Lim Victor KUALA LUMPUR (Aug 11, 2012): The ongoing corporate and political battle between Syed Mokhtar Albukhary’s Gardenia and the world’s sugar king Tan Sri Robert Kuok’s Massimo has not only…

Janji Ditepati and national debt

Lee Wee Tak Why does a high income nation needs higher borrowing? Shouldn’t a high income country aim to be more self-sufficient, reduce borrowings and strive to become a net creditor (i.e. lender to…

Johari – the sacrificial lamb?

While everyones’ lips have been pouting wet in support for PKR Strategy Director Rafizi Ramli despite his violation of BAFIA, nothing much has been said of or for Johari Mohamad, the source of the…

Whence comes another Mahathir?

Kee Thuan Chye Mahathir Mohamad is an angel. A perfect being. He is incapable of doing wrong. He is a model to all Malaysians. He is wise. He is incorruptible. He never took a sen while in office.…

Was PM’s meeting just a drama?

One month after meeting the PM, Ladang Bukit Jalil residents fear that once the election is over, and if BN come to power, then they will use all their might to demolish the houses. By S…

Ambiga declines Hanif panel invite

Ida Lim, The Malaysian InsiderBersih co-chair Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan has declined to meet with the Tun Hanif Omar panel to discuss the events during the April 28 rally for free and fair elections…

RPK: PI Bala a ‘gun for hire’

The plot behind PI Bala's story thickens further, with RPK claiming that he struck a deal with an Umno deputy minister. Patrick Lee, FMT Private investigator P Balasubramaniam, a key figure in the…

Taib’s boys warming up to Anwar?

According to sources in Sarawak, Najib's 'hasty' visit today is aimed at convincing 14 MPs from PBB to stay put with BN. (FMT) - Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak’s presence in Kuching today, hours…

Clinging to hope

Well, so be it. If it has to be Pakatan Rakyat then let it be Pakatan Rakyat. But it is we the voters who will be deciding which it is going to be. So why can’t we the voters demand what type of…

Oddities in law

To the layman, what PKR’s Rafizi Ramli and former bank clerk Johari Mohamad did was for the greater public good when they exposed a scandal involving millions of ringgit which came from public…

Chua: BN tried to recover debts

Rebutting claims: Chua (centre) explaining about the settlement agreement during the press conference. Looking on are Selangor MCA secretary Wong Koon Mun (right) and MCA publicity bureau deputy…

Dr M: Umno is original Malay party

Umno is the sole Malay-only party in the country. (Bernama) - Only Umno can unite the Malays in the country and bring development to the people, former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has…

The Malaysian ‘kafirs’

Anyway, if the point of argument is that DAP is against hudud, and that MCA and MIC are not, think back and try to remember properly. In September last year, MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi…

The Christian threat! Really?

Our columnist responds in his satirical manner to Ridhuan Tee’s warning. We have to ban Western values with immediate effect. Astro should stop broadcasting rubbish and concentrate on wholesome…