Does Pakatan have what it takes?

The writer does not think so, and feels that the coalition should learn to be a better opposition before it tries for Putrajaya. Though charismatic, Anwar can sometimes seem indecisive especially…

Debate for Jelapang seat, says Haris

ABU activist Haris Ibrahim is willing to organise the debate between DAP and PSM to avoid a three corner tussle.K Pragalath, FMT IPOH: Anything But Umno (ABU) activist Haris Ibrahim has suggested…

PAS Kedah sedia terima Mohd Sabu

Exco kerajaan negeri Datuk Hamdan Mohamed Khalib berkata, jawatan Timbalan Presiden PAS mewajarkan tokoh popular itu bertanding.Muda Mohd Noor, FMT Beberapa pemimpin PAS Kedah mahu Mohd Sabu diberi…

Calls for Lajim to quit Umno

(Bernama) - Sabah Umno Deputy Liaison chief Datuk Seri Salleh Said Keruak today asked Datuk Seri Lajim Ukin (pic) to resign from Umno after having quit as an Umno Supreme Council member, Beaufort…

Al-jihad fi sabil Allah

Yes, I agree, to some Malays, money, sex and power are important. But to say that is what motivates the Malays is showing an extremely lack of understanding of the Malay mind and would be regarded…

Jostling for power in Sabah

Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman is pretty much in control as he prepares to take on an ambitious and crowded field of opposition parties in the general election.The challenge for the…

Have we become a ‘sick’ nation?

The Pakatan government when elected must immediately draw up a plan to curb further deficits and control future national expenditures or go for surplus budgets.Awang Abdilllah, FMT We are now…

‘Make it a clean cut from BN’

State Reform Party is hoping that the two MPs who are exiting BN are doing so because they want to fight for the rights and autonomy of Sabah.Raymond Tombung, FMT KOTA KINABALU: Barisan Nasional MP…

Almost certain, PAS to leave Pakatan

JUST READ "Some of our leaders are considering a move to pull the party out of Pakatan Rakyat if DAP and PKR do not approve its plan to introduce hudud law should PR wins the next general election.…

Anwar confirmed heading to Sabah

Hafidz Baharom, The Malaysian Insider Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is expected to be in Beaufort tomorrow, offering a clear signal to date of shifting allegiances in the ruling…

Treachery, treachery & treachery

KTEMOC KONSIDERSIn RPK's most recent post The principle behind the stand: the lesser of the evils in which he mused over Malaysian politics being far more complex than the simplistic low-brow…