‘Sabah affairs a cruel joke’

Sabahans can no longer rely on Malaya for welfare and must stand up and be counted, says SAPP Queville To, FMT KOTA KINABALU: Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) is not letting up on hammering home its…

Cracks appearing in Sabah Umno?

A Sabah NGO - United Suluk Community Organisation (USCO) - has, strangely enough, decided to move into ‘active’ politics.  Luke Rintod, FMT KUDAT: Speculation is high that former deputy chief…

Never a Suluk Filipino for CM

 Even if there are circumstantial cases against the Amans in Sabah, Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak is unlikely to rock his 'fixed deposit'.Selvaraja Somiah, FMT

Muzzling the judiciary

 Over the past half a century the lines of separation of powers between the three have been blurred by numerous amendments to the constitution affecting some 700 pieces of legislation. Bob Teoh, Sin…

GE13: Anwar may contest in Perak

(The Star) - Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is mulling the possibility of contesting a parliament seat in Perak if he decides not to defend his Permatang Pauh seat in the coming polls.

Hindraf providing CPR for Indians

Wealthy, middle class, and educated Indians must find ways to help Hindraf solve the problem of working class Indians. By Suguman Narayanan, FMT The best analogy that I can provide to illustrate the…

DAP to continue iron grip over Perak?

The Chinese-dominated party is expected to do so by holding on to a majority of state exco positions should Pakatan win the state.  K Pragalath, FMT Should Pakatan Rakyat form the state government…

Anwar sues blogger for RM100 mil

Suit is filed to prevent the blogger from continuing his slander against Anwar, says the opposition leader's lawyer.Alyaa Azhar, FMT Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim today filed a RM100 million…

Pakatan Rakyat’s chances in GE 13

 Unlike 2008, Idealism is not going to be a dominant feature of the 2013 elections, pragmatism is. PR has not sufficiently differentiated itself from BN but BN has consistently proved that it is…