The Mysterious Case of the Sulu Sultan

 Philippine President Benigno Aquino has recently conceded that events in Sabah showed signs of a conspiracy. A recent statement issued by Malaysian political-scientist Dr. Chandra Muzaffar alludes to…

Idiot Guide to Malaysian Politics

 Anas Zubedy 1.    Cronyism is only wrong when it is practiced by the other side.2.    Corruption is only wrong when it is practiced by the other side. But if he or she join us, 'halal' everything is…

Hindraf Q & A

 How can Hindraf be an Indian right-wing pressure group demanding for special ‘rights’ for Indians while maintaining a Malaysian identity, support meritocracy and oppose the NEP-led affirmative…

Getting ready for GE13

The long wait for the general election to be called is almost over as all the signs point to the Prime Minister making the big move this week.Joceline Tan, The Star EVERYONE thinks it is going to…

Political chameleons

Politicians and wannabe politicians have hijacked the green movement to pursue their political goals at the expense of genuine environmental concerns.Wong Chun Wai, The Star HIMPUNAN Hijau…

PI Bala – PII Americk Singh Sidhu

Freedom Come Freedom Go Go find it yourself, Americk Singh Sidhu has claimed, quoting an online news portal, "(Cecil) Abraham apologised to him over the drafting of SD2 and admitted that it was…

New Bar chief promises action

Christopher Leong says he will address concerns that judges and lawyers had no sufficient time to prepare cases, while vowing to lodge a disciplinary complaint against Cecil Abraham.Leven Woon, FMT…

Karpal: Stop payments to Sulus

Veteran lawyer urges the Attorney General to obtain a High Court order in Kota Kinabalu to discontinue cessation payments to heirs of the Sulu sultan over Sabah  Athi Shankar, FMT The DAP has urged…

Police want Kiram extradited

(Bernama) The police will have Sulu terrorist chief Azzimudie Kiram or Agbimuddin extradited from the Philippines to face prosecution in Malaysia, said Sabah Police Commissioner Hamza Taib.