What role did the Scorpene subs play?

Suaram director Kua Kia Soong questions the strategy used against the Sulu intruders in Lahad Datu. K Pragalath, FMT Suaram director Kua Kia Soong has questioned the strategy used by the armed forces…

Lahad Datu: Is there a solution?

By bringing the battles right to the heart of our towns, they have nothing to lose; but not us, our terrified civilians will become refugees and our developments devastated. Vidal Yuden Weil, FMT This…

Taking a bullet for 1Malaysia

Malaysians, regardless of colour and creed, love Malaysia. This is home and on its walls, are etched the memories of our lives and that of our loved ones.RK Anand, FMT The soldiers huddled in the…

No justification in invasion

Despite the emotional calls of the invaders that they are simply taking what is theirs, what they have done is deeply wrong and unlawful. In international law there is no justification for the use of…

Umno Incorporated (part 3)

On 3rd August 1999, a ‘Settlement Agreement’ was signed between Nazri Abdullah and Mohd Noor Mutalib, the majority shareholders of Realmild at the time, and the company, Realmild (M) Sdn…

10,000 Tausugs to sail to Sabah

(Agencies) - ZAMBOANGA CITY: Thousands of Tausug from Basilan, Sulu and Tawi-Tawi have sailed to Sabah to reinforce members of the so-called royal army of the sultanate of Sulu who are fighting it…

Two time-bombs in Sabah

Lim Mun Fah, Sinchew.com The deadly clashes in Sabah after the intrusion of a Sulu army took place at the most sensitive period when the country is counting down to the general election.…

Protest against Tian Chua

(The Star) - A group of retired policemen gathered at the National Monument to protest against PKR vice-president Tian Chua's remarks over the Lahad Datu standoff.

PKR to contest 90 seats

(The Star) - PKR will get the lion's share among the three parties in the Opposition pact of the 222 seats in the Dewan Rakyat at the coming general election.

Army begins mopping-up operation

According to residents living close by, they heard the sound of jets just before the explosions. (FMT) - LAHAD DATU: Malaysian forces are reportedly conducting a mopping-up operation after they…

Strike misses Kiram

Kiram and his men are holed up in a place far from the airstrikes, according to Philippine website PhilSTAR.com. (FMT) - MANILA: The airstrike launched by Malaysian fighter jets in Lahad Datu todau…

‘Sabah uprising’

Sultan’s followers kill, capture Malaysian cops (PhilStar.com) - MANILA, Philippines - Filipinos enraged by a Malaysian raid on a religious leader’s house in Sabah retaliated Saturday night,…

Tunnel vision in Penang highway agenda

 The state government claims its hands are tied over public transport, which they say comes under the federal government. But Pakatan leaders think they have a real chance of taking over Putrajaya,…