Police showing photofits of the suspects in Khairy Jamaludin’s house break-in recently.All, including failed attempts, should and must be reported, if only to show the true state of the crime index in…
(The Malay Mail Online) - Instigators would get away with calumny, baseless allegations and condemnations if the Sedition Act were to be repealed and the police would be hard pressed to rein in…
(TMI) - "What is the point of acknowledging Islam as Malaysia's official religion when a bill which upholds the faith of Islamic children can't be tabled and passed in Parliament?"
(Bernama) - Teachers have been urged to support the Barisan Nasional (BN) in the Kuala Besut state by-election in gratitude to the government for championing their welfare.
After speaking to ten different Muslims from ten different parts of the world, you will be so confused as to what Islam really is. You thought you know Islam after speaking to the Malays who form only…
For example, one of the terms of the Agreement was that all Chinese and Indians born in Malaysia would automatically be given citizenship. The Malays, Chinese and Indians agreed to this. However, if…
Still, though some ugly ethno-nationalist authoritarians hate our Westminster system (one called democracy a “cancer”), the concepts of elections and representation are embedded in our culture. Tunku…
(The Star) - Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng has apologised for the lack of question and answer session during the current sitting, saying Jagdeep Singh Deo (DAP-Datuk Keramat) has been appointed to…
(FMT) - An anti-crime non-governmental group (NGO) leader has lodged a report at the Sepang police station today claiming harassment by several individuals.
Calling Malaysia a secular state, an activist said that Malaysia could be turned into a theocratic state if any of the coalition were given too much power the the Parliament. K!-->…
(The Malay Mail) - Police have not questioned Barisan Nasional (BN) workers from MIC vice-president Datuk M. Saravanan’s Election 2013 campaign on the murder of his opponent’s aide during the poll,…
(The Malay Mail) - The Election Commission (EC) has agreed to Putrajaya’s proposal for live coverage of the ballot-counting process during elections but says it needs to study existing regulations…
Khoo Kay PengChief Minister Lim Guan Eng is unhappy that Penang is still unable to enforce its Freedom of Information (FOI) Enactment, which was gazetted in early 2012. He told the state assembly…
Another Brick in the WallIt's our birthday today and it will be celebrated with a quiet dinner with our other half. At the ripe old age of "35" ... sorry for the switch-up, 53, we do not need noisy…
A Kadir Jasin SEJAK (Tun) Dr Mahathir Mohamad mempopularkan istilah dilema melalui bukunya “Dilema Melayu” lebih 40 tahun lalu, ia telah menjadi kata kunci dalam banyak permasalahan dan keadaan.
Lee Shi-Ian, TMI Forging alliances with Malay opposition parties and using the democratic parliamentary process has been the cornerstone for the DAP's slow but inexorable rise to power in Malaysia,…
It is too early to talk about the outcome of the lawsuits and what I am concerned about is, would the defeated party helplessly accept the court's decision like Gore or launch a new round of…
(AFP/Bernama) - CAIRO - At least 26 people were killed in clashes across Egypt on Friday as tens of thousands of supporters of deposed president Mohamed Morsi turned out to protest his ouster by…
Tetapi bukankah politik dan agama tidak boleh dipisahkan? Ajaran siapakah yang memisahkan politik dan agama Islam? Zainal Abidin Nor, FMT Pejabat Penyimpan Mohor Besar!-->…
The talk by some vocal Chinese in Malaysia about the importance of English as an international language is pure propaganda. It has no real basis. The only reason why they want to use the language as…
Kemenangan besar di Pulau Pinang pada PRU13 lalu, telah membuatkan DAP sedar bahawa usaha mereka mengubah Perlembagaan Malaysia semakin tidak terhalang. Pulau Pinang akan diisytiharkan sebagai Negeri…
(TMI) - There is a curious twist to the story of the British activist banned from entering Sarawak.The same security office of Chief Minister Tan Sri Taib Mahmud that would not let her enter the…
(TMI) - Call it the Umno dilemma: two spirited, headstrong women who believe they have unsullied reputations and are fit to contest the top position in Wanita Umno.They are completely deaf to opinion…
(The Malay Mail Online) - The indisputable fact is that the DAP has succeeded in destroying the collaboration or sharing between the different races as exemplified by the BN coalition
(The Star) - Property buyers will no longer have the option to take loans for longer than 35 years. Anyone taking a personal loan can now only do so for a period of up to 10 years.These are new rules…
(FMT) - In the future, Indians will only need to highlight their woes directly to the government for it to be addressed and attended to. And this will effectively render MIC, its ministers and deputy…
(The Star) - Controversial Kinabatangan MP Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin has issued a warning - he will quit politics if he sees no development in his constituency within the next five years.