In the right perspective

On top of that, Prophet Muhammad is reported to have said that he is not introducing a new religion but is perfecting/improving the old religions of Abraham. Hence Islam is NOT a new religion. It is…

Hazy School Days

 Could someone kindly explain why would there be a decision to close down schools on Monday when the API is in the unhealthy zone of 100-150 (Sunday evening) but when the following day the API sharply…

A response to Idris Jala (Part 1)

I find it very hypocritical then that Idris Jala attempts to dismiss these issues as having nothing to do with the government. Does he really think the average Malaysian is that stupid? FMT LETTER:…

A hazy solution to a hazy situation

 Kuo Yong Kooi Let us just connect the dots here by asking some questions. Assuming there is a law enacted to prosecute the companies involved in causing the current fires in Indonesia, will the haze…

Jonker St Market Closure

 "Now, we see most of the Malacca residents fully supporting DAP over MCA candidates, who have been serving them. Hence, we decided to cancel the night market and we hope they will be happy"  Tony Pua…

A sign of insanity

Well, if 300,000 people did converge on a field that can only fit 12,000 people, as Anwar had hoped, then the excess would definitely spill over to Dataran Merdeka. And that was the game plan -- to…

26 arrested outside Parliament

They were detained outside the Parliament building for trying to breach a police cordon  (FMT) - Some 26 people have been arrested outside Parliament an hour ago after they

Smoke gets in our eyes: A way out

 Similar initiatives in community policing and monitoring of the environment to ensure that it is not degraded or harmed in various ways have been successfully practised in many parts of the world.…

Hazy Direction

 Singapore went proactive once PSI hit 400. We took 3 hours and 29 minutes after it hit 746 in Muar. That is worse than being bloody reactive! Sea Demon 

Smoking gun in Malaysian hands

 Malaysian-owned companies source of forest fires (Jakarta Post) - Plantation companies have often ordered local people to burn forest or peatland near their concessions, hoping that the fire will…