The Real Malay Dilemma

 Better for Malaysian Chinese and Indians to continue having separate identities otherwise the Malays could really lose power within a generation. Instead, do the reverse; send Malay kids to Chinese…

Oh baffling times are here

 Mohsin Abdullah, fz.comAhmad Lutfi Othman, Editor-in-Chief of PAS owned Harakah, is baffled. Pakatan Rakyat seems to take lightly the "harassment" by the home ministry over its party organs. That's…

Don’t pry into my personal space

 How many of us are surprised at receiving emails or text messages of holiday wishes by the Prime Minister? Who gave the government our contact information?Elza Irdalynna, FMT 

Haze hits dangerous levels

 (The Star) - This Sunday's planned 2013 Olympic Day Run for 15,000 participants at Padang Merbok has been postponed, the co-organisers McDonald's Malaysia said.

Trivial anger a ‘result of modern life’

 (The Telegraph) - Brits today will fly into a rage at the slightest inconvenience because the comforts of modern life have raised our expectations to the level of irrational toddlers, a psychologist…

Pakatan rejects Merdeka Stadium offer

Pakatan Rakyat rejects DBKL's offer to conduct Black 505 rally in Stadium Merdeka. Lisa J Ariffin, FMTPakatan Rakyat has rejected Kuala Lumpur City Hall’s (DBKL) offer to conduct Saturday’ Black 505…

Doors still open for PSM, says Anwar

As long as Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) endorses the Pakatan Rakyat common policy, it could join the opposition coalition, said Anwar Ibrahim.  Anisah Shukry, FMT Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim…

RBA jangan main mercun

Matlamat mereka mudah: mahu memastikan tidak ada pemimpin Cina menyokong kerajaan. Matlamat mereka menjadikan DAP paling kuat dalam kelompok Pakatan Rakyat jauh mengatasi pengaruh Pas. (Sinar…

PAS pertahan kepimpinan ulama

Ulama lebih dekati Islam, memahami Islam dan tahu selok-belok Islam, kata Setiausaha Majlis Syura Ulama PAS.  (FMT) - Majlis Syura Ulama PAS akan memastikan kepimpinan ulama akan terus dipertahankan…

PSM not welcome in Pakatan pact

Although PSM has individual support from Pakatan leaders, there is 'no general consensus' supporting their inclusion in the pact. Lisa J Ariffin, FMTThe Pakatan Rakyat coalition will “never” accept…

Rebooting Chinese history

 Wow. They did all that even back then? My history books sure didn’t teach me that. The Chinese in Malaysia certainly didn’t get a free ride to where they are. But if I didn’t know my community’s…

Life As The Wrong Kind of Muslim

A soldier gestures to people to stay away from the site of a bomb blast in Peshawar, Pakistan on March 29, 2013. (Fayaz Aziz/Reuters) (The Atlantic) - A Pakistani-American man is accused of being a…