Let’s run Singapore like SGP Pte Ltd

 I would even go so far as to propose that prospective citizens be required to pay for the privilege to become Singaporean, in the same way one should have to pay for newly issued shares in a company.…

Papa Don’t Preach

Interview + Text Rathika Sheila + Ben Liew Images Choen Lee @ Bunny+Bear Pictures Venue Wondermama They say fathers are closer to their daughters. Could it be or maybe it’s just that fathers put…

Speed Kills? Or Does It

 For more than two decades the New Zealand public has been sold the claim that "speed kills" - now new international road crash data is showing higher speed limits may actually save lives Ian Wishart…

Accepting criticism with an open mind

Why should a populist coalition be immune to populist considerations in the first place? In essence, some Pakatan supporters may be subscribing to heuristics in order to make simplified judgments —…