Papa Gomo bersara

 (Sinar Harian) - Blogger terkenal, Papa Gomo yang 'memeriahkan' alam maya dengan entri-entri kontroversi mengumumkan mahu bersara daripada dunia blogging.

How DAP hurt Pakatan’s chances

This is the last article in a three-part series analysing the reasons for the opposition bloc’s failure to capture Putrajaya. Free Malaysia Today ANALYSIS: Pakatan Rakyat would have won more rural…

Of negotiations, words and symbols

If we reduced any democracy to its bare bone, indeed, it only consists of two parties, the majority and minority. The majority, due to its numerical superiority — and thus, presumed to be a better…

Concur with these bloggers, AND …

Another Brick in the WallJust not in the mood to talk of politics. Let us talk of something else. The Red Bean Army (RBA) is now the topic of conversation since The Star made an expose of it few…

Tanda Putera, Truth and Reconciliation

 Of course it is a film maker’s right to make a film. It is her right to freedom of expression. But this film happens to be financed by the official FINAS, ie. with tax payers’ money! It is amazing…

Malaysia’s constant ‘blackouts’

 “I believe that the Najib government is rather weak and vulnerable. He cannot withstand both internal and external pressure for too long. Some sort of concession will have to be given.” Kirsten Han,…