Unsung Heroes of GE13

 There is no doubt in my mind that with the highly questionable way Barisan Nasional has won this election and subsequent divisive statements by Najib, his ministers, and UMNO loyalists, and the…

Suara Keadilan turut dirampas

(Harakah Daily) - Selepas Harakah, kini akhbar lidah rasmi parti Keadilan Rakyat Suara Keadilan juga dilaporkan dirampas oleh Kementerian Dalam Negeri (KDN) di beberapa buah negeri sejak semalam.

GST and inflation

In Malaysia’s case however, GST will be replacing a pre-existing tax and at a rate that is lower than the prevailing rate. Under those circumstances, the impact should be a one-time decrease in the…

The Sedition Act (1948)

The Sedition Act started life as the 1351 English Statute of Treasons. Hence sedition is closely associated with treason. In the 1500s, King Henry VIII broke away from Rome and established the Church…

Is it time to do away with the Senate?

(fz.com) - The real function of the Senate is being questioned. While it was established and inherited by the British to safeguard law making, has it now turned into a 'back-door' appointment tool for…

Leaving … to go where?

 Emotional  I am an UMNO Malay and I write this as very many like me, I'm sure, are experiencing similar feelings. You know how you feel when you have to leave your comfort zone and make decisions…