Bring back English schools

 There are many good reasons for English-medium schools to be reintroduced, chief of which must surely be the language's neutral status whereby no one can claim ownership to it.Wong Chun Wai, The Star…

Borang Aduan PACABA PRU13 (Online)

BERSIH 2.0 sedang mengumpul laporan, data dan bukti untuk Tribunal Rakyat yang bertujuan untuk menyiasat penyelewangan pilihan raya. Bagi PACABA yang telah menyaksikan penyelewangan atau penipuan,…

Shaping the mind of the Malay

You can see the Malay swing in 1946. Then they swung back and took another swing in 1959. Then they swung back and took another swing in 1969. Then they swung back and took another swing in 1990.…

Anwar: I may be arrested

The opposition leader tells a crowd of 20,000 at a Black 505 rally in Seremban that he may be branded a traitorZefry Dahalan, FMT Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim last night told of about 20,000 at a…

What Betrayal?

 Was there an agreement before the general election? Did Chinese Malaysians actually promise the BN their votes ahead of time?P Ramakrishnan.

Discontent in BN parties over Cabinet posts

 (TMI) - All is not well among Barisan Nasional (BN) parties over the distribution of Cabinet posts as Sarawak’s PRS has decided to reject its appointments while SPDP is also upset its four federal…

‘Opposition chaos agenda’ claim

(NST) - ‘MALAYSIAN SPRING’ PLANS: Former DAP senator reveals 2012 email between party HQ and its leadersPETALING JAYA: A FORMER DAP vice-chairman yesterday revealed that the opposition had long…