Finally, KJ

 Khairy has weathered the storm. Even his political foes and detractors acknowledge that he deserved a ministerial post, citing his loyalty to Umno when he was being sidelined and the number of times…

Anti-Xavier group threatens protests

According to Dr Xavier Jeyakumar's detractors, PKR had received 29 memorandums of his wrongdoings and mismanagement during his tenure as state exco.B Nantha Kumar, FMT A large group of PKR Indian…

Winner of seats, not votes

The answer is that although in the first past the post system the risk of a party having a majority of seats with a minority of popular votes is always there, the way to avoid such absurdities is…

Sabah MCA councillors quit posts

Sabah MCA leaders will uphold the resolution of the presidential council not to accept posts in the state and federal government.  (FMT) - Across Sabah, all state MCA members serving as councillors…

MCA may act against Tee

It’s official: Tee signing his appointment documents after taking his oath before the Sultan of Johor.(The Star) - MCA national organising secretary Datuk Tee Siew Kiong may face action by the party…

Azizan lega PAS kalah di Kedah?

Setiausaha Politiknya mengesahkan beberapa masalah dalaman yang berlaku dalam parti itu di negeri tersebut.  (FMT) - Bekas Menteri Besar Kedah Datuk Seri Azizan Abdul Razak didakwa merasa lega…

You’re not in Malaysia Mr Plodprasop

(Bangkok Post) - Not content with insulting these people, he also threatened to have them locked up in police cells, or even thrown in prison, if they dare to protest at the site of the international…

A few intriguing situations 2

If the representation is not effective, then it really does not matter whether there are Chinese ministers inside, since if they are not effective or dare not speak against fellow UMNO ministers,…