Azmin Ali questions Wan Azizah

Azmin said his unhappiness stemmed from the failure of PKR leadership to engage Selangor assemblymen, MPs and division leaders in the selection process and not because he was eyeing the mentri…

Riding waves on the M’sian tsunami

BN and Pakatan need to go back to the drawing board, reassess their positions on important issues, and envisage new ways to improve their platforms.Nile Bowie, FMT The mood was jubilant at the…

Ku Li as PM?

 Someone had suggested a government of national unity. This could be a baby step to heal the current rift, or else we might be stuck for another decade in this current predicament. The worst possible…

Utusan Malaysia is Now Utusan Karut

 So, what does Utusan Malaysia wants to do now? Are they planning and scheming something sinister in this country of ours? Yes Utusan, it’s either you are with us or against us. Damian Denis, Reality…

This is a Democracy, You Understand?

Voting against BN is not voting against the Government. It is voting against the party that was in government up till the point Parliament was dissolved to allow for new elections.  What is so wrong…

Pakatan sahkan Khalid MB Selangor

(Harakah Daily) - Pakatan Rakyat akhirnya mencapai konsensus bahawa Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim (gambar) akan dilantik menjadi Menteri Besar Selangor buat penggal kedua ekoran pencapaian cemerlang…

Azmin persoal surat Presiden PKR

Beliau mendakwa surat dihantar Wan Azizah kepada Sultan Selangor dibuat tanpa sebarang perbincangan dan persetujuan bersama semua ADUN parti.  (Bernama) - Timbalan Presiden Parti Keadilan Rakyat…

In the aftermath of May 5th (part 4)

Anwar’s knee-jerk reaction when the results were announced on Sunday night was that Pakatan Rakyat won 51% of the votes so this means Pakatan Rakyat won the election. In 1933, Adolf Hitler won only…

The race factor

But look at it closer and you will notice that the DAP is really a Chinese party and PAS is a Malay party (yeah, yeah… Islam equals Malay!). PKR, on the other hand, has a multiracial make-up when it…

Negeri Sembilan: UMNO’s Final Fortress

 NEGERI SEMBILAN. Similar to Penang, Negeri Sembilan had a Clean sweep of every state seat by DAP Candidates. All 12 seats were won by DAP and just had to be joined by 6 more candidates of either PKR…

So was it a Chinese Tsunami?

 If it wasn’t a Chinese Tsunami that brought PR to almost victory, could we ask the question differently? Who saved BN from the jaws of defeat? It certainly wasn’t the Chinese was it?Saravanan Forever…