Accept the people’s verdict, says Azmin

 (NST) - Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) deputy president Azmin Ali last night posted several hard-hitting tweets in a veiled attack against his leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.The tweets, including one…

Another well laid trap, maybe?

But since March 2008 many of you have become very arrogant. You no longer care about what you say. And you no longer care whether anyone gets hurt by what you say. And you declared that the Chinese…

The expected happened

Now do you understand the reason behind all this talk regarding the Chinese Tsunami? You may hate Umno but you have to take your hat off to them for how well they strategised the 13th General…

DAP backs Khalid Ibrahim as MB

DAP secretary general Lim Guan Eng says Khalid should continue to helm the state as MB because he was instrumental in ensuring a resounding victory for Pakatan Rakyat in Selangor.K Pragalath, FMT…

Have you heard of Catch 22?

The problem is we are in a Catch 22 situation. We need a two-thirds majority in Parliament to be able to change the system. But the system will not allow us to get this two-thirds majority in…

PAS, a party with an identity crisis

PAS fared the worst among Pakatan Rakyat partners in the 13th general election, effectively losing its hold on Kedah and the Malay rural community.Anisah Shukry, FMT Islamist party PAS emerged a…

Pas: Khalid akan kekal sebagai MB Selangor

 (Sinar Harian) - Pas Pusat tidak akan menuntut jawatan Menteri Besar Selangor walaupun Pas Selangor mempunyai kelebihan satu kerusi berbanding PKR di Selangor dalam Pilihan Raya Umum ke13 (PRU13)…

Jeffrey, Star a player beyond Bingkor

 The only persons standing between PR and Putrajaya in Borneo at the moment are Jeffrey and Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim. The former is likely to be in that role for a good many years to come. Joe…

Political gap narrows in Malaysia

 In his political climb, Mukhriz, deputy minister of international trade and industry in the previous government, could soon bump up against a rising star within the PR, Nurul Izzah Anil Netto 

Race baiting worries Umno allies, moderates

 (TMI) - “If the prime minister is unable to see the damage done by these people, then he is not fit to talk of national reconciliation,” he wrote in his blog. “The Chinese are just asking for respect…

Najib needs to transform BN

 Rural areas over time will become urbanised. Older people will eventually pass on. The country as a whole will become richer. And internet penetration is increasing by the day. In other words, as…