How The Malay Vote Was Lost

The Malays make up over 45% of the total population in Penang. However Malays make up only 35.7% of registered voters in Penang.  So even if all the 35.7% of voters who are Malays came out to…

Soul searching time for BN & PR

It's not exactly 2008 all over again but it is pretty close to a status quo. There are a few key differences which will force both coalitions to do some serious soul searching.  Oon Yeoh, The Sun…

The Morning After – Part 1

KTemoc Konsiders Najib has finally got his 'mandate', though from PKR's view, under dodgy circumstances, wakakaka A shocked and by now, broken hearted Anwar Ibrahim has cried foul as reported by…

GE13: Reeling from Chinese tsunami

Barisan Nasional keeps its hold on power thanks to the Malay breakwater that held back a Chinese wave that swept over the country.Joceline Tan, The Star A CHINESE tsunami swept over the country…

The winners and losers of GE13

What is crystal clear is that many Malaysians want a system of check and balance. The Malaysian Insider Take a bow, Malaysians. You are the big winner from GE13, you have firmly entrenched the…

A politician under siege

For Najib, events that will come next will overtake him as he stands utterly alone, powerless and unable to do anything to save himself. CT Ali, FMTNajib Tun Razak’s curse is that everything came…

The magical blackout!

{youtube}9yYRW9mt1AE{/youtube}What are your views on the recent magical blackout? By Dan Khoo and Night Owl Cinematics. 

A stronger Islamic flavour after GE13?

Contrary to popular understanding and believe, DAP and MCA are not the main obstacle to Malaysia turning into an ‘Islamic State’ –making Shariah supreme. It is UMNO.  Anas Zubedy

Pakatan Rakyat should not concede defeat!

 The Opposition Alliance, Pakatan Rakyat (PR), should seize the moral high ground on the 13th General Election concluded on May 5 and refuse to concede defeat without putting up a fight of its life…