Election a balancing act for Najib

(AFP) - Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak has walked a tightrope between voters demanding change and hardliners resisting reform in Malaysia’s decades-old regime, a balancing act that will be tested…

Heading Towards a Catastrophe?

 Isn’t this what the PAS-DAP-PKR grouping is all about? An opportunistic grouping hell-bent on power but opposed to each other. Chandra Muzaffar 

PAS playing dangerous game

If PAS continues with its 'Islam superior' stance, there is little chance for Pakatan to win big in the May 5 general election dubbed as the 'mother of all elections'.Jeswan Kaur, FMT Islamic party…

Be Grateful, Go Vote This Sunday

The new media is of tremendous help here. It enables us to connect directly to leaders from both sides. We can now judge better who we think and believe will make good leaders based on our own set of…

Violence won’t translate into votes

As campaigning enters the final rounds, stories of violence are making headlines in the mainstream media.Free Malaysia Today True to form, the mainstream media went to town with stories and pictures…

No action against Norman Fernandez

DAP's disciplinary committee chairman says the Johor DAP deputy chief was exercising his freedom of expression. K Pragalath, FMT The DAP disciplinary committee will not be taking action against…

Three Barisan poll centres torched

(The Star) - Three Barisan Nasional district election centres in Kampung Manggol, Kampung Gelam and Kampung Machang here were reported to have been torched by unknown culprits over the past four…