Patronising and presumptuous BN

 BN's mindset seems to be: we have given you all the goodies (BR1M, etc.) and we have reminded you by letters to vote for us. We now presume all voters in your family are BN supporters. KoSong 

Toh Sin Wah – My Candidacy

Independent Candidate for P104 Kelana Jaya Attached is my little booklet, My Candidacy - Towards Achieving My Vision for your review, comment, contribution, recommendation and support.

The Malaysian Trojan Horse

 Constructed by professional public relations firm like APCO with the help of a very compliant broadcast and printing mass media industry. Thomas Fann 

Tightest of races in the heartland

(ST) - People attending a PAS rally in Kuala Kangsar, Perak. As many as 15 of the 59 state seats in Perak were won by slim margins in 2008, indicating that the contest for votes is likely to be just…

Report lodged against DAP duo

(NST) - DAP Socialist Youth Selangor chief Chua Yew Choong and DAP Pandan and Ampang branch heads have lodged a report with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) at its office in…

Anwar’s deafening silence on hudud

(MM) - The hudud issue is proving to be a sore point in Pakatan Rakyat and the silence of key leaders in the alliance on the matter, instead of appeasing certain quarters, is making things worse.

BN can win Kedah, says Daim

(ST) - Former finance minister Daim Zainuddin, who accurately predicted the 2008 poll results, said he believes Barisan Nasional (BN) can wrest back Kedah, but said it is difficult to predict if…

Disaster in the making for BN?

Malaysia could be living the last moments of the BN-Umno in power as Pakatan is expected to perform and deliver this time. The only thing that can keep Najib in power is the potential support from a…

Our choices are shrinking

To what extent will we the people allow our political leaders to indulge themselves in an orgy of race, religions, nepotism and money? We are now trying to come to terms with the fact that race,…

Why was Manoharan dropped?

Sidelined M Manoharan’s family have accused DAP leaders including national party advisor Lim Kit Siang of using his children in the 2008 election to curry votes.  Athi Shankar, FMT Dropped Kota…