Dialogue is the only way forward

The responsibility of sincere and sensible Christians, Jews and Muslims of good conscience is to assist one another against wickedness and wicked people, and to work together in union and…

Redefining ‘real’ Islam

 While certain parts of the Islamic holy texts do contravene human rights, more often than not the worst offence come from the many interpretations of Islamic teachings.  Zurairi AR, The Malay Mail 

Do not confuse rewards with favours

 It’s only human for an employee to expect some rewards after he had toiled for the company for donkey years. The same goes for members of political parties.Francis Paul Siah, The Ant Daily 

PAS: No phantom voters in Sg Limau

PAS refutes allegations that there were phantom voters during the Sungai Limau by-election. K Pragalath, FMTPokok Sena MP Mahfuz Omar today called Umno as being fools for claiming the existence of…

Holier than thou?

 We have become religious class monitors constantly needing to remind every Tom, Dick and Harry of our duties and faith.  We seem to be incapable of having a general conversation about sex, food,…