Memilih Pemimpin untuk Noobs

{youtube}KK-bcgaLEnw{/youtube}Kita sama-sama rakyat jangan bergaduh teruk-teruk sangat. Kemungkinan besaq bila kita susah nanti kawan kita yang kita duk bermusuh tu yang akan datang tolong, bukan…

BN bastion turned swing state?

Sulu incursion, illegal immigrant issue offer a way in for oppositionAn estimated 800,000 of Sabah's 3.3 million people are illegal immigrants, mostly from the southern Philippines, including Sulu,…

NS DAP loses MB seat by default

 By fielding only Chinese and a few Indian candidates, DAP has lost its opportunity to suggest an MB for the state because it does not even have one single Malay candidate for the entire state?  …

The Odds, They are a-Changin’

 As it looks, a few days past nomination day, the odds are changing to favour Pakatan, although at the time of the dissolution of Parliament, the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) seemed to have the upper…

‘SUPP’s declaration a joke’

 Sarawak United People's Party's 10-point declaration to save itself in the GE13 is too little too late, considering it has been in 'power' for 30 years, says DAP. Joseph Tawie, FMT

Anatomy of a political strategy

 In Umno, the higher you go up the food chain, the wider your circle of supporters and sycophants. Umno will probably lose in the constituencies where these former senior leaders are contesting.Zefry…

In the pits of advertising

 The issue is not whether PAS and DAP will turn Johor into another Kelantan, but the audacity to make such wild claims with no researched scientific evidence to support. Besides, it will be impossible…

Debating the dog collar

Let me make one thing very clear. Democracy and religion are NOT compatible. You have to choose one or the other. You cannot choose both. Democracy is about freedom of choice. Religion does not allow…

The powerful emotion of hate

The peddling of hate has been proven to be very effective in political marketing, especially when people are trapped in certain mindsets that determine their views.Two months ago, a young female…