DAP tells PAS to back off in Merotai

Merotai is considered a 'hot seat' as both Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat component parties are eyeing the seat.  Azman Habu, FMT TAWAU: The squabbles for seats in Pakatan Rakyat, the national…

On GE13

 Most of BN’s electoral promises can be found in their previous manifestoes for general elections since at least the 1980s. The BN solution to all of our problems is as follows: firstly, deny that…

The EC Must Address These Doubts

Another curious decision made by the EC is that the indelible ink would be applied on each voter before they cast their vote. Tindak Malaysia has tried this out in a practice run and found that it’s a…

Rift in Hindraf widens

A faction in Hindraf calls co-founder Waythamoorthy a "traitor" for concealing the fact that he had registered the organisation two days prior to his hunger strikePriscilla Prasena, FMT Calling…

Weekend jottings

Yes, on stage, in front of a crowd of tens of thousands, I warned Umno to not try anything. I also told the non-Malays to stay home in case race riots do happen. I told the non-Malays that the Malays…

Wrangle over who goes where

by Zakiah Koya and Pathma Subramaniam, fz.comWITH the April 20 nomination day just days away, political coalitions in the country are still scrambling to finalise their candidate list, despite both…

Anwar changes tone on SAPP

Hoping to capitalise on voter discontent in the state, the opposition leader now tells Sabah PR leaders to continue talking with Yong Teck Lee  Queville To, FMT KOTA KINABALU: In a surprise move,…

Avoid three-cornered fights: Karpal

Edmund Lee, The Sun Daily All the component parties in Pakatan Rakyat (PR) coalition must ensure there would not be a three-cornered fights among themselves in the 13th general election, says DAP…