Hijrah in Reverse, Part 1

Azly RahmanI took time today to reflect upon the story of Prophet Muhammad's (Peace be upon Him) exodus/migration from Mekkah to Madinah in 622 AD, signifying the beginning /Year One of the Islamic…

Laugh, Perkasa, and Be Effing Happy!

By Kee Thuan Chye, Yahoo News The disclaimer at the beginning of the show tells it all: “This programme is intended for immature audiences only. This programme is NOT intended for educational…

Islam needs a Martin Luther

Martin Luther classified Pope Leo X as the true Satan (the Devil) or the anti-Christ and the Church of Rome as the ultimate Kingdom of Hell. Because of his very ferocious attack on the Church, Martin…

What more do Pakatan reps want?

FMT LETTER, From Richard Loh, via email Get down to work! That is what I and the voters would have wanted those Pakatan Rakyat MPs and state assemblypersons who have been elected in GE 13 to do.

A classic spin by Ambiga

FMT LETTER, From Yuktes Vijay, via email I refer to S Ambiga’s comments published in FMT. Ambiga states her reason for withdrawing from the debate was because it was premature to discuss the…

Sabah PKR defections: Blame Anwar

A Sabah party assemblyman claims Anwar Ibrahim had promised to help finance their service centres but nothing has yet reached them. Luke Rintod, FMT PKR’s de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim’s…

Living on high and deadly ground

 If tragedy happens, victims may not be able to get help(NST) - CAMERON HIGHLANDS:  MORE than 30,000 people from Kampung Raja right up to Bertam Valley here are living on shaky ground.

Re-imagining a truly Malaysian school

 Imagine a scenario in Malaysian classrooms where primary school children learn the meaning of the word ‘peace’ and muhibbah in many different languages and dialects: Bahasa Malaysia, Bahasa Jawa,…

Things are stirring again

There have been so many false alarms about Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim being replaced as Selangor Mentri Besar that the accounts are starting to resemble a soap opera. But this time it may be for…