Stop exploiting Islam: Dr M

Govt creating tension by using Islam to get votes(TodayOnline) - Former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad has fired another salvo at his successor, Mr Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

Your Time is Near

Isn’t it just abominable when those who have a pair of titanium spheres in their hairy sacks of magic is given a taste of hell and directed to the abattoir of our UMNO controlled avenues.

Ethnic anger on the rise in Malaysia

By Thomas Fuller (International Herald Tribune) - KUALA LUMPUR: The customers of Malaysian Indian Casket, a small shop on the outskirts of this modern and cosmopolitan city, come in all different…

China, the land of my ancestors too

Cultural assimilation as us know today, was more like a habit or lifestyle by those living in Melaka; it as second nature to eat Chinese food use Chinese words while speaking Malay, although the…

Malaysia bans 11 books on Islam

(AP) - Malaysia has banned 11 books for allegedly giving a false portrayal of Islam, such as by linking the religion to terrorism and the mistreatment of women, an official said Wednesday.

PPHT keliru, polis dungu

Oleh ‘Deep Throat’ SabahMungkin sudah tidak ada lagi undang-undang tanah di Sabah kerana Pegawai Daerah gagal menjalankan tugas sebagai Penolong Pemungut Hasil Tanah dan Ketua Polis Daerah…