Indians want issues to be resolved

MIC president Datuk Seri S. Samy Velly has admitted that the recent street demonstrations organised by an illegal group, to a certain extent had affected the loyalty of Indians towards the…

The great data blank

STOCK MARKET INVESTINGBy Michael R. Sesit The Straits TimesDO YOU find yourself spending days examining countless bits of data before deciding where to invest? The bad news is you might be wasting…

Indonesia-EU air war

Jakarta halts open-skies talks and urges its airlines not to buy Europe-made planesThe Straits TimesRELATIONS between Indonesia and the European Union have nose-dived over aviation.

Brain drain is colour blind

The Star - A WRITER'S LIFEBy DINA ZAMANMany have done very well on their own soil, but from where I sit and work, and being a friend and ears to a number of people, there must be a better way to…

Who are the opportunists?

The Council of Former People's Representative (Mubarak) President Tan Sri Abu Zahar Ujang described the Hindraf leaders as "opportunists and traitors to their race and country." He…

11 websites blocked so far

ELEVEN websites have so far been blocked for having obscene materials and seditious messages, Science, Technology and Innovation Ministry parliamentary secretary Datuk Dr Mohd Ruddin Abdul Ghani…

Strains in Malaysia

The arrest of leaders of an ethnic Indian rights group shines a spotlight on rising tensions in Malaysia.

Merasionalkan Sesatu Tindakan

Amat mudah menghukum dan mengubah pertuduhan dan hukuman. Itulah antara komentar yang ingin dibangkitan dalam sehari dua ini melihat kepada corak dan perlaksanaan beberapa tindakan yang diambil…