Winning the GST argument

 It seems rising public debt has set the alarm bells ringing and necessitates such urgency. Government debt is at a relatively high 53% of gross domestic product as a result of continuous budget…

Expect Bigger Dam Disasters

 Dr Kua Kia Soong, SUARAM AdviserThe tragedy and disaster at the Bertam Valley, Cameron Highlands should be an eye-opener for Malaysians who have allowed the government to push through one mega dam…

What’s in a Name, Really?

 So, what’s in a name really? Sadly, in Malaysia, more often than not, our names help others to identify our ethnicity right away. And sometimes, our religious beliefs, too. All this does not augur…

Malaysia’s Budget Woes

 (The Diplomat) - Government expenditure is the highest among the five biggest Southeast Asian economies, accounting for nearly 27 percent of GDP, while Malaysia also has the highest civil servant to…

Malaysia’s rights record under fire

 The country's own human rights commission, which will send a delegation to Geneva, has already warned that the latest law enforcement legislation will "open the country to scrutiny and criticism by…

Husam explains recent outburst

(The Star) - Embattled former Kelantan government senior exco member Datuk Husam Musa appeared before top PAS leaders for two hours to explain his recent outburst against the state government.

What Now After the Umno Elections?

 Which system is more likely to discourage money politics? If every one of the 146,500 votes were to count, wouldn’t it be much harder for candidates to buy even half that number than if it were a…