Experience & Facts About Police Shootings

 But chances are the police will be on a charm offensive when they take Surendran along, or at least they will behave with great restraint. And then what? Will Surendran then announce that the police…

Gerakan – It’s Time for Change

 Stephen Doss It’s about time that component political parties with the Barisan Nasional use this opportunity to reflect on the kind of leadership they would like to have represent them on the…

Allah edict masks power play

 The idea was partly that Malays - who were vastly economically disadvantaged - would gain ground on the far wealthier Chinese. When the British drafted this law, the intention was that it would be…

Allah issue: Anwar calls for calm

It is understood Pakatan stand is that the word ‘Allah’ should not be exclusive to Muslims as Christians and Jews are also allowed to use it, but the name should not be used in a wrong and…

How far can we carry this argument?

Since you were not asked or given any choice in the matter (and you are a Muslim merely by accident of birth), is this not a violation of your civil liberties? Hence, going by the Federal Constitution…

‘Umno is the real MCA opponent’

 (FMT) - MCA has to engage in a daily tug-of-war with Umno at all administrative levels, and the party will only be popular if it stood up against Umno, says sacked MCA man Lee Hwa Beng.

Crying Over Keruak’s Spilled Milk

 This controversial deal between KPD Holdings, the State Government and the management Group calls for declassifying the documents on these deals that lead to massive losses of far greater magnitude…

Allah, the Malay God

 We can say that most Malays, even those with kopiah (skullcap) who go to surau, have little knowledge of their own religion, let alone of other religions. So, with their belief that only Muslims…

Alamak, the Allah-word again?

 Religions, especially of the Abrahamic varieties, are tribal, territorial and thus intolerant of and even hostile to each other, unless of course a more senior religion (senior in chronological…

Gun Shooting

This would never have been a fear of parents during our childhood except maybe during the war. Especially not when it was a public holiday and playing outside the family home with friends on a…

How to become a non-Muslim

But now you have taken a stand that the Allah word is not exclusive to Muslims and that Christians, too, can use the Allah word as the name for God. Because of this stand, you are now expelled from…