It’s called MERITOCRACY mah!

Once we sign the TPPA then the NEP can be challenged. American companies can sue the Malaysian government if there is any special treatment for the Malays. As what Greenpeace New Zealand said, “It…

Show me the money!

The Chinese look down on the Malays and say that the Malays would be nowhere without the New Economic Policy (NEP). Some Malays have made it only because they are the beneficiaries of the NEP. Without…

On the edge of a police state

Zaid Ibrahim, TMI The whole country is worried sick about the “shoot–first” policy, and understandably there has been barrage of criticism leveled against Minister of Home Affairs Datuk Seri Dr…

Contest for PAS top post?

K Pragalath, FMT PAS which would hold its party polls next month along with its 59th muktamar (annual general meeting) is likely to see the first contest for its presidency, in recent times.

Will the Malays change?

 WHILE discussing national unity at a gathering of Malaysian students in Melbourne last week, I told them that it was in the long-term interest of the Malays – and it was crucial to national unity –…

Poor police force

 (FMT) - Despite millions for the force, its officers have been coughing up funds from their own pockets for fuel, repairs bills, office equipment and other essentials

A principled stand for Malaysia

WISDOM: Despite shortcomings that are yet to be overcome and expectations yet to be fulfilled, Sarawak's decision in 1963 to be part of the Malaysian federation is rightJohn Teo, NST 

The Ten Most Expensive Places To Buy A Car

(Jalopnik) - Some of you think Americans have it bad when it comes to buying a car. With low car prices, cheap gas and a great road network, I say you're one of the lucky ones. Don't believe me? Just…

When it’s an old story

Now, do you know what the ‘TCT’ is? Old cocks like me who are in their 50s and 60s would probably know what the ‘TCT’ is. Those of you who are too lazy to read would probably be ignorant of the ‘TCT’.…

Cries of the boys in blue

Alfian ZM Tahir, FMT The men in blue have been criticised unendingly by various entities almost on a daily basis, and to top it all that they face constant danger with the rise of gun related crimes.